• Andrea Bocelli

    E più ti penso

    English translation

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The more I think of you

The more I think of you
the more I miss you;
I see you with my tired eyes...
I'd like to be
there with you too;
I hold the pillow,
you're here near me...
It's the middle of the night
And you're far away...
The emptiness surrounds me,
there's not a sun anymore...
I'm sad and hopeless
as I've never been
without you, without you...
And if, by chance,
I never saw you again,
I already know what I'd do –
I wouldn't live...
And the more I think of you
the more I miss you...
I'm nothing much without you,
I feel like a fish deprived
of water to swim in,
breathing without you,
without you, without you...
And if, by chance,
I never saw you again,
I already know what I'd do –
I would die...
Original lyrics

E più ti penso

Click to see the original lyrics (Italian)

rcsmitrcsmit    Wed, 14/10/2015 - 22:53

Nice translation! I would translate the last word as "I would die"

   Wed, 21/10/2015 - 19:46

Oops, sorry, you're right, I didn't notice that stanza changed since the similar previous one, I'll fix it! Thanks for the heads up :)

EdoardomorEdoardomor    Wed, 18/01/2017 - 16:10

Nice translation! I would translate "E notte fonda e sei lontano" as "Its late night and you're far way", because "mezzanotte" would midnight.

And I would translate "Sono triste e sconsolato" as "I'm sad and inconsolable" or disconsolate.

And "Sono poca cosa senza te" as "Im little thing without you".

THanks for translate!