• Morat

    En coma → English translation

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In a Coma

Now I have no strength left to forgive you
I swear I tried, but I couldn't see
No heart can bear the truth being hidden from it
It didn't help me to hide your mistake under the mattress
And now I don't want to take action, I don't want to improvise
Suddenly it's time for you to lower the curtain
We get tired of living the same story, the same plot
Of which you dream that they are falling out of the bed
We run out of time, it's late, I love you
Even though I wanted to heal myself, I know that there's no remedy
We already got used to a love in a coma
I lost the consciousness, it still feels, breathes
But a sign of life isn't enough
Don't try to fix what doesn't work anymore
It would be better to put an end to this love
Than to leave it in a coma
You are an expert because you invent
And you never let me notice
And even though your eyes never give you away
I want to see that you regret
There are no promises left for us to rescue
There is no anesthesia that helps me forgive you
And there is no amnesia that makes me forget you
Many aftereffects remain from loving you
Now I don't have no more remedy than to live
Hoping that I will get over you
Well, there is no amnesia that makes me forget you
Many aftereffects remain from loving you
We get tired of living the same story, the same plot
Of which you dream that they are falling out of the bed
We run out of time, it's late, I love you
Even though I wanted to heal myself, I know that there's no remedy
We already got used to a love in a coma
I lost the consciousness, it still feels, breathes
But a sign of life isn't enough
Don't try to fix what doesn't work anymore
It would be better to put an end to this love
Than to leave it in a coma
Leave it in a coma
Because it would be better to put an end to it
Than to leave it in a coma
We run out of time, it's late, I love you
Even though I wanted to heal myself, I know that there's no remedy
We already got used to a love in a coma
I lost the consciousness, it still feels, breathes
But a sign of life isn't enough
Don't try to fix what doesn't work anymore
Because late or early the truth is showing
It would be better to put an end to this love
And not to leave it in a coma
Original lyrics

En coma

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Si - SenaSi - Sena    Sat, 17/07/2021 - 09:53

Hi! This is going to be a long comment :) Here's how I would translate some parts:
First of all, you can remove the word "more" in the very first line, it's needless.
"No hay corazón que aguante que le escondan la verdad" - "No heart can bear the truth being hidden from it by people" I think this way it makes better sense in English.
"Y ya no quiero actuar" - "And now I don't want to take action"
"Pero no es suficiente una señal de vida" - "But a sign of life is not enough"
"Tantas secuelas que quedan de amarte" - "Many after-effects remain from loving you"
"Porque tarde o temprano la verdad se asoma" - "Because sooner or later the truth begins to show"
And finally, I would say "in coma" rather than "in a coma" but we need a native for this complication haha.
I hope this will help, have a nice day!

   Sat, 17/07/2021 - 11:48

Hey! Thanks for the suggestions, I have revised the text!
I researched the last correction and only found articles saying "in a coma". I think it's the usual way of saying that.

Si - SenaSi - Sena    Sat, 17/07/2021 - 11:50

No problem! Ok, in a coma then :)

rcb2418rcb2418    Fri, 13/08/2021 - 02:32

En la canción, yo entiendo que se usa la palabra coma como signo ortográfico de puntuación y no como el estado de la mente. En este caso coma se traduciría en "comma." Lo entiendo en esta forma porque menciona el punto el cual también es un signo ortográfico. Si este es el caso, la traducción sería: "It is best to put a period to this love and not leave it in a comma" lo cual igual se puede traducir "it is best to put an end to this love and not leave it in a pause."

Aquí tendríamos que preguntarle a los chicos de Morat en que sentido usaron las palabras.

Para poder traducir esta canción, debemos que recordar que no se puede traducir literalmente porque Morat usa mensaje figurativo por ejemplo: "porque tarde o temprano siempre la verdad se asoma" se traduce a "because sooner or later the truth always comes to light."

En el coro yo he visto que la letra dice "perdió el conocimiento, aun siente, respira, pero no es suficiente una señal de vida" lo cual se traduce a "the consciousness lost, it still feels, it breathes, but a sign of life is not enough." En el caso usado en estas letras: "perdí el conocimiento, aún siente, respira, pero no es suficiente una señal de vida" se traduce a "I lost consciousness, it still feels, it breathes, but a sign of life is not enough."

La parte de "ya nos cansamos de vivir la misma historia, misma trama, de sueños que se caen de la cama" está mal escrito en las letras. Esta parte se traduce a "We're tired of living the same story, same plot, of dreams that fall off the bed." Este dicho no se usa en inglés y puede sonar algo raro, sin embargo esta es la traducción de las letras.

"Eres una experta porque inventas y haces que yo nunca me de cuenta" en esta parte yo entiendo que está hablando de inventar cuentos, historias, basándome en el contexto de la canción. No es inventar como inventé algo palpable, un objeto. En este caso la traducción es: "You're an expert because you make (things) up and you make me not find out (the truth)." La parte del paréntesis no se encuentra escrito en la canción. Es solo para dejarle saber al lector de lo que se está hablando.

"Y aunque tus ojos nunca te delatan quiero ver que tú te arrepientas" es "and even though your eyes never give you away I want to see you feel sorry."

"Ya no me queda mas remedio que vivir con la esperanza de que voy a superarte pues no hay amnesia que me haga olvidar tanta secuelas que quedan de amarte" es "I have no other option than to live with the hope that I'll get over you since there's no amnesia that will make me forget the scars left behind from loving you."

Aquí la dejo porque ya está bien largo mi comentario. De cualquier manera te felicito.

Yo soy intérprete y traductora de inglés y español. Mi lengua natal es el español sin embargo siempre estuve expuesta al inglés. Tuve la dicha de estudiar en ambos idiomas y conocerlos bien. Esto es parte de mi trabajo.

Este no es tu caso, por eso te felicito. Hiciste buen trabajo en tu traducción. Tus errores son pocos, aunque en mi comentario parezcan muchos. Tienes buen inglés. Sigue practicando con tus traducciones y llegaras a la perfección. Recuerda que la práctica hace al maestro. Animo.

The same goes for you Si-Sena. You did a good job with your suggestions. Keep practicing and you will become a pro.