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I'm on the Storm

The game won't end, the game won't end if I get angry.
My blood is on the floor, what's good of winning?
I'm on the storm, I'm on a storm.
The thing that I saw with my eyes is not the same thing my heart knows.
You're not alone, you're not wrong, don't be ashamed.
It's your dream, go figure.
I'm on the storm, I'm on a storm.
The thing that I saw with my eyes is not the same thing my heart know.
Do not hit them, the very young boys.
These are that gaffer's, world's lies.
Look at me see yourself, hear the lover's words,
Such a love them that all the fears should be wear away.
Do not hit them, the very young boys.
These are the world's ancient lies,
Look at me see yourself, hear the lover's words,
Such a love them that all the fears should be wear away.
This fight need to come to an end,
Division need to come to an end.
This war need to come to an end,
Need to turn to the start.
Original lyrics


Click to see the original lyrics (Turkish)

Mabel Matiz: Top 3
KelvetsKelvets    Fri, 27/11/2020 - 20:36

I don't speak Turkish, the following suggestions are from an English standpoint only.

"what's good of winning?" ---> this doesn't make grammatical sense, I think you meant to say "what's the point of winning?" (is there any sense to winning?)

"The thing that I saw with my eyes is not the same thing my heart know." ---> "know" should be "knows".

"It's your dream, go figure." ---> There is a fixed expression in English where "go figure" means "I don't know". If the meaning in the original Turkish is "go make sense of (your dream)", then it should be "go figure it out".

"These is that gaffer's, world's lies." ---> this sentence makes no sense. I don't know how to improve it. The lines that follow this are also hard to understand, but I'd need to know Turkish to be able to help.

Hope this helps!

IovaIova    Fri, 27/11/2020 - 21:24

As a Turkish, let me point out

"What's good of winning?" it should be — Now, what's the good of it, if I win?
The singer's saying that since his blood is already on the ground1, what's the good of it if he wins the game?

She/he's right about the — Go figure — it's the same thing as — The last straw that breaks the camel's back — Which would be a great alternative here

These are the lies of that old world — Something like this will cover the meaning — It's simple and easy to understand

  • 1. Meaning, the game's gotten out of hand
KelvetsKelvets    Fri, 27/11/2020 - 21:32

"Now, what's the good of it, if I win?" No one says it like this in English; it would be better to say "what's the point of winning?" like I suggested, or alternatively, "is there any point in winning?".

"The last straw that breaks the camel's back" means something completely different from the line "it's your dream, go figure". I'm confused.

IovaIova    Fri, 27/11/2020 - 21:37

Turkish is confusing, look at my translation too, I just said that to lengthen the sentence — Go figure — here's the shortest

Now, the singer doesn't say "what's the point of winning?" — The idea might be very similar, but as a Turkish, I hear what I already suggested
And also notice that the lyrics have changed entirely, check it out now!

asîmanasîman    Fri, 27/11/2020 - 21:00

The source lyrics have been updated. Please review your translation.