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The Chant

A well-known1 voice said:
Who will lend me a ladder
to climb the wood
to remove the nails
from Jesus of Nazareth?
Oh, the saeta2, the chant
to Christ of the gypsies,
always with blood on their hands,
always from removing nails
Chant of the Andalusian town
where every spring
they ask for ladders
to climb the cross
Song of my homeland
that tosses flowers
to the Jesus of agony
and is the faith of my elders
Oh, you are not my singer?
I can't sing, nor want to
To this Jesus of the cross,
but to He who walked in the sea...
  • 1. popular, or well-known & respected in his pueblo
  • 2. a holy song sung at processions
    during Holy Week
Original lyrics

La saeta

Click to see the original lyrics (Spanish)

Joan Manuel Serrat: Top 3