Loomise lugu → English translation→ English

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Loomise lugu

Läksin-läksin, käisin-käisn,
läksin-läksin, käisin- käisn,
läksin alla mere äärde,
lükkasin laeva liivikusse
alle-uu, alle-lee, alle-lee õõõõ
paadi alla abajasse,
paadi alla abajasse,
hakkasin merda pühkimaie,
mereääri oerumaie.
Pühkisin pühkmed meresse,
pühkisin pühkmed meresse,
laiad laastud laenetesse.
Läksin pärast vaatamaie,
mis sääl pühkmetes pupiteseb,
mis sääl pühkmetes pupiteseb
ja sääl lainetes lapitseb:
hallikirja linnukene
punasekirjud hambad suussa,
punasekirjud hambad suussa,
see sääl laenetes lapitses,
hakkas laenest lendamaie,
lendas mede allakopli,
lendas mede allakopli.
Mede koplis kolmi põõstast:
üks oli kulda, tõine karda,
kolmas haljasa hõbeda,
kolmas haljasa hõbeda.
Lendas ümber kuldapõõsa,
korra ümber kardapõõsa,
hakkas hõbe armastama,
hakkas hõbe armastama,
hakkas pesa pesitama,
munes aga kasksi halli muna,
haudus kaksi halli poega,
haudus kaksi halli poega.
Neist sai kaksi neiukesta:
üks oli Aie, teine Maie.
Aiest sai asjaajaja,
Aiest sai asjaajaja,
Maiest mehele mineja,
pojast aga taadile tugeva.

Creation Story

I went-went, walked-walked,
I went-went, walked-walked,
went down to the sea,
pushed (my) ship to the sands,
[pushed] (my) boat down to the inlet1,
(my) boat down to the inlet,
started to sweep the sea2,
to rub sea-egdes,
I sweeped the sweepings into the sea,
I sweeped the sweepings into the sea,
broad splinters to the waves.
Later I went to look
what was clambering/swelling there in the sweepings3,
what was clambering/swelling there in the sweepings,
and was flapping there in the waves:
a grey-hued birdy,
red-hued teeth in its/her mouth,
red-hued teeth in its/her mouth,
it/she had been flapping there in the waves,
started to fly from the wave
it flew to our down-paddock4,
it flew to our down-paddock.
There (are/were) three bushes in our paddock,
one was golden, the other tinsel,
the third (was) verdant silver5,
the third (was) verdant silver,
It/she flew around the golden bush,
once around the tinsel bush,
begun to love the silver,
begun to love the silver,
started to nest a nest6
[but] laid two grey eggs,
hatched two grey offsprings,
hatched two grey offsprings.
They became two maidens,
one was Aie, the other Maie.
Of Aie became an organiser7,
Of Aie became an organiser,
of Maie someone to get married8,
but of the son became a strong one9 for his old man10
  • 1. : a narrow area of water that goes into the land from a sea or lake
  • 2. a very usual expression in mythological folk songs, some kind of searching motion?
  • 3. I have no real idea what "pupitsema" (verb) means, it is probably onomatopoeic, official dictionary has "pukitsema" and it has two meanings. I agree with both in this case.
  • 4. it could mean the distant part of paddock, further from the house, our just that all the paddock was on a lower surface, or absolutely nothing
  • 5. an usual collocation with "silver" in Estonian, officially it means "ever-green", with something metal it means "shiny" and feels like "pure, solid silver"
  • 6. build a nest, basically, sorry if it confused you
  • 7. it sounds a bit like a "busybody", anyway a great worker; I couldn't make the meaning of this line out by ear btw
  • 8. word for word, the very traditional opposite of "to take a wife" is "to go to man" in Estonian
  • 9. it might also be "tuge ja" and then it would say "became support"
  • 10. this line seems to be added later, there is no sign of them in the original lyrics, it sounds abrupt