• Ormurin Langi → English translation

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Ormurin Langi

1. Vilja tær hoyra kvæði mítt,
vilja tær orðum trúgva,
um hann Ólav Trúgvason,
higar skal ríman snúgva.
Niðurlag: Glymur dansur í høll,
dans sláið ring!
Glaðir ríða noregis menn
til hildarting.
2. Kongurin letur snekkju smíða
har á sløttum sandi;
Ormurin Langi størstur var,
bygdur á Noregs landi.
3. Knørrur var bygdur á Noregs landi,
gott var í honum evni:
átjan alin og fjøruti
var kjølurin millum stevni
4. Forgyltir vóru báðir stavnar,
borðini vóru blá,
gyltan skjøldur í toppi hevði,
sum søgur ganga frá.
5. Kongurin situr í hásæti,
talar við sínar dreingir:
"Vit skulu sigla tann salta sjógv,
tað havi eg hugsa leingi."
6. "Berið nú fram tey herklæðir
við brynjum og blonkum brandi,
síðani leggja frá landi út,
og siglið frá Noregis landi!"
7. Fróir og glaðir sveinar mæltu:
Harri, vit skulu fylgja tær,
um enn tú fert í frið ella stríð,
vit óttast ei bratta bylgju.
8. Har kom maður av bergi oman
við sterkum boga í hendi:
"Jallurin av Ringaríki
hann meg higar sendi."
9. Kongurin so til orða tekur
bæði við gleði og gamni:
"Sig mær satt, tú ungi maður,
hvat er tú nevndur á navni?"
10. "Einar skalt tú nevna meg,
væl kann boga spenna,
Tambar eitur mín menski bogi,
ørvar drívur at renna."
11. "Hoyr tú tað, tú ungi maður,
vilt tú við mær fara,
tú skalt vera mín ørvargarpur
Ormin at forsvara."
12. Gingu teir til strandar oman,
Ríkir menn og restir,
lunnar brustu og jørðin skalv:
teir drógu knørr úr neysti.
13. Vundu teir upp síni silkisegl,
út í havið ganga;
so var sagt, at kongurin
hann stýrdi Orminum Langa.
14. Hetta frættist víða um lond,
at Noregis menn teir sigldu;
Danimarks kongur og Svøríkis kongur
ráðini saman hildu.
15. Danimarks kongur og Svøríkis kongur
ganga saman í ráð,
hvussu teir skuldu Noregis kong
skjótt av døgum fá.
16. Senda boð til Eirik Jall
vænur er borin til evna,
hann skal fylgja í ferðini við,
sín faðirs deyða at hevna.
17. Eirikur gongur for kongar inn
við brynju og blonkum skjoldi:
"Ólavur kongur av Noregi
mín faðirs deyða voldi."
18. Eirikur stendur á hallargólvi,
blankt bar spjót í hendi:
"Ólavur kongur síggja skal,
eg hvast mót hvøssum vendi."
19. Gingu teir til strandar oman
- fagurt var tað lið -
Danimarks kongur og Svøríkis kongur
og Eirikur jall tann triði.
20. Trýggjir gingu skipaflotar
út av Oyrasundi,
Jarnbardur í odda sigldi,
jallurin stýra kundi.
21. Danimark kongur til orða tekur,
letur so orðini greiða:
"Hann, ið Ormin Langa tekur,
skal hann við ognum eiga!"
22. Eirikur hugsar við sjálvum sær:
"Tó at tú manst tað royna,
tú tekur ikki Ormin Langa
við danskari makt aleina!"
23. Mælti tað Svøríkis kongurin,
hann heldur á brýndum knívi:
"Eg skal Ormin langa taka,
um at tað kosta lívið!"
24. Eirikur stóð har skamt ífrá,
klæddur í skarlak reyð:
"Tú tekur ikki Ormin Langa,
fyrr siggi eg tín deyð."
25. Eirikur talar til sínar menn:
"Kempum munnu vit møta;
standið væl og manniliga,
tí blóðug verður gøta!"
26. Noregis menn á kongsins knørri
kunna væl beita knív;
ganga væl fram í hørðum stríði,
ella lata lív!
27. Eirikur talar til Finn hin lítla:
"Tú skalt hjá mær standa;
tú skalt verja sjálvan meg,
um enn eg komi í vanda."
28. Løgdu teir á sundið út,
bíðaðu har so leingi,
longdust eftir norskum knørrum,
at berjast mót Noregis Kongi.
29. Løgdu teir skip við oynna inn,
ætlaðu sær at vinna,
hildu vakt bæði nátt og dag,
tí norðmenn vildu teir finna.
30. Nú skal eg lætta ljóði av,
eg kvøði ei longur á sinni;
nú skal eg taka upp annan tátt;
og betri leggja í minni !
31. Ólavur siglir í Eysturhavi,
ætlar heim at fara;
tá ið hann kom í Oyrasund,
hann sá ein skipaskara.
32. Høvdingar tríggir á landi standa,
hyggja út so víða,
sunnan síggja teir knørrin prúða
eftir havi skríða.
33. Dannimark kongur til orða tekur:
Alt mær væl skal ganga:
Krist signi míni eygu tvá,
nú síggi eg Ormin Langa !
34. Eirikur stendur á bunkanum,
talar til sínar menn:
Kongurin av Dannimark
hann sær ikki Ormin enn.
35. Har kom fram ein størri knørrur,
dreingir undraðust á,
Svøríkis kongur til jallin talar:
Nú man eg Ormin sjá.
36. Tit leggið nú skip í stríðið fram,
árar í hendur taka,
laitð ei Ólav sleppa so,
fáan hann heldur sín maka !
37. Eirikur hyggur í havið út,
talar til sínar menn:
Tað svørji eg við sannan Gud,
teir síggja ei Ormin enn.
38. Dannimark kongur og Svørríkis kongur
halda á skefti reyða:
Eirikur jallur ræddur er
at hevna sín faðirs deyða !
39. Vreiður var tá jallurin,
hann mælir av illum sinni:
Annað skal eg orðabrask
Noregis menn at vinna !
40. Jallurin stendur á grønum vølli,
tekur nú til ganga;
Verið nú snarir á skipabunka,
nú síggi eg Ormin Landa !
41. Allir sóu Ormin koma,
allir undraðust á,
silki vóru seglini
úr stevni og gull í rá.
42. Løgdu teir seg vegin fram
bæði við svør og spjóti,
norðmenn sóðu á Orminum,
teir ivast at halda ímóti.
43. Ólavur talar til sínar menn:
Dýrt skulu teir meg keypa,
ongantíð so ræddist eg stríð,
í dag skal eg ikki leypa !
44. Tit leggið nú skip í stríðið fram,
segl á bunka strúka,
tað skal síggja, at Noregs menn
teir kunna væl svørðini brúka !
45. Úlvur reyði í stavni stendur,
gott var í honum evni:
Leggið ei Ormin longur fram,
sum hann hevur longri stevni.
46. Kongurin stendur í lyftingi,
í skarlak var hann klæddur:
Nú síggi eg, mín stavnamaður
er bæði reyður og ræddur.
47. Kongur,tú sært meg aldrin so ræddan,
eg tordi væl á at herja,
goym tú lyfting so væl í dag,
sum eg skal stavnin verja !
48. Vreiður varð tá kongurin,
og Úlvur til orða tekur:
Blíðka teg aftur, harri mín,
tí vreiði upp angur vekur !
49. Ólavur stendur á bunkanum,
talar til sínar menn:
Hvør eigur hesi nógvu skip?
Eg kenni tey ikki enn.
50. Svaraði Torkil, kongsins bróðir,
mælir av tungum inna:
Dannimarks kongur og Svørríkis kongur
vilja tín deyða vinna.
51. Ræddir eru danskir menn
mót norðmonnum at ganga,
betri var teimum heima at sitið
tann fuglaflokk at fanga.
52. Betri kunna svenskir menn
teir offurbollar strúka
enn at nærkast okkumso,
at blóðugt svørð skal rúka !
53. Kongurin gongur í lyftingi,
ræður hann upp at hyggja:
Hvør eigur hasi stóru skip,
við Ormsins bakborð liggja?
54. Svaraði Herningur, kongsins svágur,
letur so orðini falla:
Tey eigur Eirikur Hákunsson,
hann ber ein yvir allar.
55. Til tað svaraði Ólavur kongur,
frá man frættast víðari:
Skarpur verður hildarleikur,
tá norðmenn mót norskum stríða.
56. Svørríkis kongur mót Ólavi legði
eina morguntíð,
tað var sum í bál at líta,
skeiðir dundu í.
57. Høgdu og stungu Noregis menn
bæði við svørði og spjóti,
títt so fullu teir svensku menn,
sum grasið fýkur av gróti.
58. Svørríkis kongur rópar hátt
biður teir undan flýggja:
Eg havi mist mítt mesta fólk,
tað voldir mær sorg at síggja.
59. Dannimark kongur troðkaði fram,
ætlaði sær at vinna,
norðmenn tóku mót honum fast,
teir donsku menn at tynna.
60. Roykur stóð til skýggja upp,
reytt var sund at síggja,
so var sagt, at danskir menn
teir máttu undan flýggja.
61. Eirikur móti Ólavi legði
við bjørtum brandi í hendi:
Ikki skal Ólavur rósa av,
at eg snart frá honum vendi !
62. Løgdu teir knørr við knarrarborð,
hvørgin vildi flýggja;
høvur og kroppar í havið tumla,
øgiligt var at síggja.
63. Einar stendur í krapparúmi
við Tambarboga teir kalla,
hvørja ferð pílur at boga dreiv,
tá mundi ein maður falla.
64. Einar stendur í kapparúmi,
óttast ongan vanda,
hann sá reystan Eirik jall
aftur við róður standa.
65. Einar spenti Tamabrboga,
pílurin steingin strongdi,
pílurin fleyg yvir jalsins høvur,
róðurknappin sprongdi
66. Einar spenti á øðrum sinni,
ætlaði jall at fella,
pílurin fleyg millum arms og síðu,
einki var jalli at bella.
67. Eirikur talar til Finn hin lítla
Eg skal spyrja teg nakað,
hvør er hann, við skørpum skotum
ætlar meg at raka ?
68. Til tað svaraði Finn hin lítli
- blóðugar vóru hendur - :
Tað er hasin stóri maður,
í krapparúmi stendur.
69. Jallurin mælir á øðrum sinni:
Tað vil eg tær ráða,
skjót tú handa stóra mannm
nú stendur mítt lív í váða.
70. Manninum kann eg einki gera,
tí hann er ikki feigur,
bogastreingin stilli eg á,
tí maðurin eydnu eigur.
71. Einar spenti á triðja sinni,
ætlaði jall at raka,
tá brast strongur av stáli stinna,
í boganum tók at braka.
72. Allir hoyrdi streingin springa,
kongurin seg forundrar:
Hvat er tað á mínum skipi,
so ógvuliga dundrar ?
73. Til tað svaraði Finn hin lítli
- kastar boga sín - :
Nú brast Noregi úr tínari hond,
kongurin, harri mín !
74. Svaraði Einar Tambarskelvir
- kastar boga sín - :
Nú brast Noregi úr tínari hond,
kongurin, harri mín !
75. Í Harrans hondmítt ríki stendur
og ikki í Tambarboga;
tak tær ein av mínum bogum,
vita, hvat teir duga !
76. Veikir eru kongsins bogar !
Einar ræður at svara,
eg skal taka upp skjøld og svørð,
og høgg skal eg ikki spara !
77. Enn stóð fólk á báðum stavnum,
man meg rætt um minnast,
syrgiligt var á miðjum skipi,
tí har tók fólk at tynnast.
78. Eirikur sprakk á Ormin upp,
væl bar brand í hendi,
Herningur leyp úr lyftingi,
aftur mót honum vendi.
79. Bardust teir á miðjum skipi
vil eg frá tí greiða,
øvigur mátti jallurin leypa
aftur á Jarnbrad breiða.
80. Eirikur valdi sær reystar garpar,
fáir finnast slíkir,
snarliga aftur á Ormin sprakk,
tá mátti Herningur víkja,
81. Úlvur reyði úr stavni loypur,
nú er stavnur eyður,
so fleyt blóð á Orminum,
at knørrur síndist reyður.
82. Hart stóð stríð á miðjum skipi,
svørð mót skjøldrum gella,
Úlvur og Einar, frægar kempur,
Eiriks garpar fella.
83. Jallurin var á øðrum sinni
aftur á bunkan rikin,
tá sá hann, at stavnurin
á Orminum var tikin.
84. Jallurin mannar seg triðju ferð:
Nú skal eg ikki dvína !
Tá fall Úlvur og Herningur
við øllum monnum sínum.
85. Kongurin rópar í liftingi:
Nú er tap í hendi;
leypið í havið, mínir menn,
her verður ei góður endi !
86. Kongurin leyp í havi út,
garpar eftir fylgdu,
kongsins bróðir síðstur var,
teir gjørdu, sum kongurin vildi.
87. Eirikur tók tá Ormin Langa,
einkin annar kundi,
tók hann sjálvur róður í hond
og stýrdi Ormi frá sundi.

The Long Serpent

1. Would you hear my ballad?
Would you believe the words
about Olaf Tryggvason?
The poem shall turn here.
Refrain: Dance resounds in the hall;
dance in a ring!
Gladly ride Norway's men
to Hildr's Thing. 1
2. The king has a vessel built
there on level sand;
The Long Serpent was the largest
built in the land of Norway.
3. A ship was built in the land of Norway;
it was good in ability.
Eighteen and fourty ells
there were between the keel and stern. 2
4. Both stems were gilded;
the boards were blue.
It had a gilded shield on top,
so the stories go.
5. The king sits on the throne,
speaking with his lads:
"We shall sail the salty sea;
I have long thought of that."
6. "Now carry forward that armour
with mail and shining sword,
then set out from land
and sail out of the land of Norway!"
7. The glad and merry fellows said:
"Lord, we shall follow you;
whether you go in peace or fighting,
we are not afraid of steep waves."
8. There came a man down off the hill
with a strong bow in hand:
"The jarl of Hringaríki3
sent me here."
9. So the king spoke
with both joy and pleasure:
"Tell me truly, young man,
what are you called by name?"
10. "You shall call me Einar;4
I can draw a bow well.
Tambar5 is the name of my bold bow,
letting arrows fly."
11. "Hear this, young man,
will you travel with me?
You shall be my bowshot
to defend the Serpent."
12. They went down to the shore,
powerful men and the rest;
the runners broke and the earth shook:
they dragged the ship from the boathouse.
13. They rose their silk sail,
going out on the sea;
so it was said that the king
steered the Long Serpent.
14. It's rumoured all about the lands
that Norway's men were sailing;
the king of Denmark and the king of Sweden
held counsel together.
15. The king of Denmark and the king of Sweden
come together in counsel over
how they should
get the king of Norway dead.
16. They send a message to Jarl Eirik,
great in his ability.
He shall accompany the journey
to avenge his father's death.
17. Eirik went before the kings
with mail and a shining shield:
"Olaf, king of Norway,
caused my father's death."
18. Eirik stands on the floor of the hall
a shining spear in his hand:
"King Olaf shall see,
I've turned sharp against sharp."
19. They went down to the shore;
lovely was that company:
the king of Denmark and the king of Sweden
and Jarl Eirik the third.
20. Trusty went the ship fleets
out of Øresund.6
Jarnbarður sailed in front;
the jarl knew how to steer.
21. The king of Denmark speaks up,
says the words plainly:
"He who takes the Long Serpent
shall receive a reward!"
22. Eirik says to himself:
"Though you may try to,
you won't take the Long Serpent
with Danish might alone!"
23. The king of Sweden said,
holding a sharpened knife:
"I shall take the Long Serpent,
even if it costs my life!"
24. Eirik stood there a short distance away
clad in scarlet red:
"You won't take the Long Serpent;
I'll see your death first."
25. Eirik talks to his men:
"We must meet warriors;
stand well and manfully,
for the street will turn bloody!"
26. "Norway's men on the king's ship
know well how to hew with a knife;
go well forward with strong strides
or lose your life!"
27. Eirik talks to Finn the small:
"You shall stand by me;
you yourself shall defend me,
even if I get into peril."
28. They set out in the strait,
waited there so long,
waiting for the Norwegian ship
to fight against the king of Norway.
29. They set the ship in by the island,
meaning to take it for themselves.
They held watch both night and day;
they wanted to find Norwegians.
30. Now I shall finish my song;
I'll speak no longer this time.
Now shall I take up another section7
and better keep it in my mind!
31. Olaf sails into the Baltic Sea
meaning to go home;
when he came into Øresund,
he saw a fleet of ships.
32. Three commanders stand on land,
looking all around;
to the south they see the great ship
slipping over the sea.
33. The king of Denmark speaks up:
"All shall go well for me;
Christ bless my two eyes,
now I see the Long Serpent!"
34. Eirik stands on the ship's deck,
talking to his men:
"The king of Denmark
doesn't see the Serpent yet."
35. There came forth a large ship;
the lads marveled at it.
The king of Sweden says to the jarl:
"Now I must be seeing the Serpent."
36. "Now set the ship out into the fight;
take oars in your hands.
Don't let Olaf slip away;
he holds few as his equal!"
37. Eirik looks out over the sea,
talking to his men:
"I swear by God,
they don't see the Serpent yet."
38. The king of Denmark and the king of Sweden
hold onto the red handgrip:
Jarl Eirik is raging
to avenge his father's death!
39. The jarl was vengeful then;
he speaks with an ill temper:
"I will boast again
of beating Norway's men!"
40. The jarl stands on the green sward
and now begins to walk;
"Be quick now on the ship's deck;
now I see the Long Serpent!"
41. Everyone saw the Serpent come;
everyone marveled at it.
Of silk were the sails
on the stern and gold was in the timbers.
42.They set off
with both sword and spear.
Norwegians caught sight of the Serpent;
They were doubtful about fighting back.
43. Olaf speaks to his men:
They shall buy me dearly.
"I've never so feared battle;
today I shall not flee!"
44. They set a ship out into the battle,
striking sail on the shipdeck;
it shall be seen that Norway's men
know well how to use the sword!
45. Ulf the Red stands at the bow;
there was good potential in him:
"Don't set the Serpent further forward,
as it has a longer stern."
46. The king stands on the poop deck;
in scarlet he was dressed:
"Now I see, my bowsman 8
is both red and afraid."
47. "King, you've never seen me so afraid;
I dared well to attack.
You kept the poop deck so well today,
as I shall protect the bow!"
48. Then the king got angry
and Ulf spoke up:
"Calm down again, my lord,
for anger wakes regret!"
49. Olaf stands on the shipdeck,
speaking to his men:
"Who owns these many ships?
I don't know them yet."
50. Answered Torkil, the king's brother,
speaking under great hardship:
"The king of Denmark and the king of Sweden
want to cause your death."
51. The Danish men are afraid
to go against the Norwegians;
it was better for them to sit at home
to catch that flock of birds.
52. The Swedish men know better;
they stroke sacrificial bowls.
Still we are approaching so
that bloody swords shall fly!
53. The king went onto the poop deck;
he decides to look up.
"Who owns those great ships
at the Serpent's port side?"
54. Answered Herningur, the king's brother-in-law,
letting the words fall:
"Eirik Haakonsson owns them;
he alone outdoes everyone."
55. To that answered King Olaf,
it will be rumoured further:
"Combat is clear
when Norwegians fight against Norwegians."
56. The king of Sweden attacked Olaf
one early morning.
It was like fire to see;
ships thundered.
57. Norway's men cut and stabbed
with both sword and spear;
the Swedish men fell as quickly
as grass blows off of stone.
58. The king of Sweden cries out loudly,
asking that they run away:
"I have lost my best people,
it brings me grief to see."
59. The king of Denmark pushed forward,
meaning to win.
Norwegians met him firmly
to thin the Danish men.
60. Smoke rose up to the clouds,
red was the strait to see;
So it was said that the Danish men
would run away.
61. Eirik attacked Olaf
with bright sword in hand: 9
"Olaf will not boast
that I quickly turned from him!"
62. They pitted ship against shipboard;
neither would flee.
Heads and bodies tumble into the sea;
it was terrible to see.
63. Einar stands in the strait-room 10
with Tambarbow, as they say;
for each arrow whose journey the bow drove,
one man would fall.
64. 11
Einar stands in the strait-room
fearing nothing difficult;
he saw powerful Jarl Eirik
standing back by the rudder.
65. Einar drew Tambarbow;
the arrow strained the bowstring.
The arrow flew over the jarl's head;
the rudder head shattered.
66. Einar drew a second time,
meaning to fell the jarl.
The arrow flies between his arm and side;
the jarl wasn't injured at all.
67. Eirik speaks to Finn the small:
"I shall ask you something.
Who is he, with the straight shot,
meaning to hit me?"
68. To that answered Finn the small
- his hands were bloody - :
"It's that big man,
standing in the strait-room."
69. Eirik speaks a second time:
"This I would command you:
shoot that large man;
now my life stands in peril."
70. "I can't touch the man;
he is not doomed.
I'll stop the bowstring,
since the man has fortune."
71. Einar drew a third time,
meaning to hit the jarl,
when the bowstring of strong steel burst;
the bow began to crack.
72. Everyone heard the bowstring snap;
the king was surprised:
"What is it on my ship
thundering so terribly?"
73. To that answered Finn the Small
- throwing his bow -:
"Now Norway has burst from your hand,
my king, my lord!"
74. Einar Thambarskelfir answered
- throwing his bow -:
"Now Norway has burst from your hand,
my king, my lord!"
75. "My kingdom rests in the Lord's hand
and not in Tambarbow.
You take one of my bows;
find out what they can do!"
76. "The king's bows are weak!"
Einar answered.
"I shall take up shield and sword,
and I won't spare a blow!"
77. People still stood on both sterns,
if I'd remember correctly;
it was sad in the middle of the ship,
since people began to thin there.
78. Eirik jumped up onto the Serpent,
carrying well the sword in his hand;
Herningur jumps from the poop deck
and turned back toward him.
79. They fought in the middle of the ship,
I'll clarify;
the jarl had to jump backwards
to get back to the wide Jarnbraður.
80. Eirik commanded powerful warriors;
there are few like them.
They quickly jumped back on the Serpent,
then Herningur had to retreat.
81. Ulf the Red jumped from the stern,
now the stern is empty.
So much blood flowed on the Serpent
that the ship appears red.
82. A hard battle was fought in the middle of the ship,
sword resounding against shield;
Ulf and Einar, valiant heroes,
felled Eirik's warriors.
83. The jarl was once again
back on the drifting shipdeck
when he saw that the stern
on the Serpent was taken.
84. The jarl pulls himself together three times;
"I'll not yield now!"
Then fell Ulf and Herningur
with all of their men.
85. The king calls on the poop deck:
"Now defeat is at hand.
Jump in the ocean, my men,
there'll be no good end here!"
86. The king jumps out into the sea;
his warriors followed after.
They were the king's last brothers;
they did as he wanted.
87. Then Eirik took the Long Serpent,
knowing how to do nothing else;
he took it himself, rudder in hand,
and steered the Serpent out of the strait.
  • 1. Hildr is a Valkyrie who personifies battle in Norse mythology, and whose name is often used to refer to battle. A Thing is a political meeting or body akin to Parliament. So Hildr's Thing is a metaphor for battle.
  • 2. An ell was a unit of measurement from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger (about 18 inches). 59 ells is about 88 feet or 27 meters.
  • 3. A jarl was a rank of noble in early Scandinavia akin to an earl.
  • 4. Einarr Þambarskelfir
  • 5. "Stretcher", though the connotations of the verb "at tamba" are more along the lines of pulling something apart or warping it.
  • 6. Øresund is the strait between Denmark and Sweden.
  • 7. The word "táttur" doesn't really have an English equivalent; it's a section of a ballad. It literally means "thread".
  • 8. Stavnamaður is a soldier in the bows.
  • 9. Not everyone in the recording is singing the same line here; I translated the one written down and the one the skipari is singing.
  • 10. The third ship from the stem on a Viking longship.
  • 11. This verse is omitted in the recording.
The author of translation requested proofreading.
It means that he/she will be happy to receive corrections, suggestions etc about the translation.
If you are proficient in both languages of the language pair, you are welcome to leave your comments.
Collections with "Ormurin Langi"
meehowmeehow    Mon, 22/09/2014 - 14:15

great work, thanks a lot

BárbaroBárbaro    Fri, 07/01/2022 - 14:32

gott var í honum evni = its matter was good?