• Los Ángeles Azules

    Cómo te voy a olvidar → traducción al Inglés

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How can i forget you

Love, love, love
Love, love, love
I want to look into your eyes again
Love, love, love
Love, love, love
I want to kiss your red lips again
And you don't remember me
How can i forget you
If everything reminds me about you
You are everywhere
If you are in a rose
If you are in every breath
How can I forget you
How can I forget you
If I kiss a cross and you are there
If I pray and you are there
How can I forget you
How can I forget you
If you came into my heart
And my love, filled my soul
And your blood runs through my veins
And my blood make me tremble
I am with you
Letra original

Cómo te voy a olvidar

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