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Here's to You

Here's to you, Nicola and Bart
rest forever within our hearts
The last and final moment is yours
that agony is your triumph
(Repeat 7 times)
Maintenant Nicola et Bart
vous dormez au fond de nos coeurs
vous étiez tout seuls dans la mort
mais par elle vous vaincrez!

Va por vosotros

Va por vosotros, Nicola y Bart
reposad por siempre en nuestros corazones.
El momento último y final es vuestro,
esa agonía es vuestro triunfo.
(Repetir 7 veces)
Ahora mismo, Nicola y Bart,
dormís en lo profundo de nuestros corazones.
En la muerte estuvisteis totalmente solos,
pero a través suyo habéis vencido.
Joan Baez: 3 más populares
evfokasevfokas    Jue, 02/04/2015 - 18:43

Hi maluca and thank you, I've posted these lyrics long before Moustaki's lyrics were posted (and before the "cover artists" feature was available) because they contain both versions and the error is a check in case someone enters it as a translation; I've adjusted my comment to indicate that Moustaki wrote the french lyrics, by the way it's better to post these kind of comments in the lyrics page
Most probably the salt and pepper haired bloke playing the guitar in the video is Georges Moustaki in the flesh, God rest his soul

   Jue, 02/04/2015 - 18:52

Oh, my bad, I though I was on the lyrics page... Shall I move the comment over there or delete it? Btw. I didn't quite understand what's the point of the intentional error, 'cause of course some of the other translators translated accordingly...