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You don't think of me

You don't think of me, no matter how much i want you and you leave for another night and i'm suffering
You don't think of me, i have you but i don't have you
can't stand live like this next to you.
I know you'll be gone again, before the dawn comes
and the same thought wraps around me like a fire
that goodbye of yours, i have a down on it
because it scatters my happiness like ash.
You don't think of me, no matter how much i want you and you leave for another night and i'm suffering
You don't think of me, i have you but i don't have you
can't stand live like this next to you.
Before the dawn comes, you'll tell me with a kiss of yours (that)you live for me but i can't be with you.
A thousand "why"s are turning every celebration of mine to a sorrow and you, telling me every-time that you missed me.
You don't think of me, no matter how much i want you and you leave for another night and i'm suffering
You don't think of me, i have you but i don't have you can't stand live like this next to you.
Every path i chose, led me to you
I changed habits, friends and life
and all my dreams have your name
but dear you don't do something.
You don't think of me, no matter how much i want you and you leave for another night and i'm suffering
You don't think of me, i have you but i don't have you can't stand live like this next to you.
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