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La Canzone del Sole

Blonde braids, blue eyes, and then
your red socks
And the innocence on your cheeks –
two oranges redder still
And the dark cellar where we breathed softly
And your running, the echo of your “no’s” – oh, no
you’re scaring me
Where you have you been, what on earth have you done? * Where have you been, what have you never done?
“A woman” – woman, tell me
What does it mean: “I’m a woman now” ?
How many arms have held you - you know [the answer]
to become what you are?
What does it matter – in any case, you won’t tell me. *it matters a lot but you won't tell me
But do you remember the green water and us,
The rocks and the white sea floor?
What color are your eyes?
If you ask me, I won’t answer.
Oh, black sea, oh black sea, oh black sea…
You were clear and transparent as me. *Just a question, why is it "chiaro" here instead of "chiara"
Oh, black sea, oh black sea, oh black sea…
You were clear and transparent as me.
The bicycles abandoned on the grass and then
We two stretched out in the shade.
A flower in the mouth can be useful, you know
Everything seems more cheerful.
And suddenly that silence between us
And that strange look of yours.
The flower falls from your mouth and then…
Oh, no, please – stop your hand.
Where have you been, what on earth have you done?
“A woman” – woman? - woman, tell me
What does it mean: “I’m a woman now” ?
I don’t know that secure smile that you have
I don’t know who you are, I don’t know who you are anymore
You scare me now - unfortunately.
Do you remember the big waves and us
The splashes and your laughs
What remains at the bottom of your eyes?
Has the flame gone out or does it still burn?
Oh, black sea, oh black sea, oh black sea…
You were clear and transparent as me.
Oh, black sea, oh black sea, oh black sea…
You were clear and transparent as me.
The sun when it rises, rises slowly and then
The light spreads all around us
The shadows of phantoms in the night
Are trees and bushes still in flower *ancora in fiore...does this mean still in bloom, or something else?
They’re the eyes of a woman, still full of love.
Testi originali

La canzone del sole

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Lucio Battisti: 3 più popolari
yavooseyavoose    Gio, 24/03/2011 - 14:45

your answer for your question "why chiaro".
Si intende il mare nero. E' il mare che e' "chiaro".

jonathonjonathon    Ven, 24/08/2012 - 05:53

Nice translation - thanks - I was having trouble understanding this song. I think 'ancora in fiore' does mean still in flower.

Livio AngileriLivio Angileri    Mar, 14/03/2023 - 03:27

" In fiore" means: young , like teens fresh like a flower in spring

Livio AngileriLivio Angileri    Mar, 14/03/2023 - 03:35

" chiaro" is bright right truthful honest turquoise like the sea . the sea is black at night and when the sun is up is bright.