Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Sta achter Oekraïne!
  • Nina Badrić

    Mama → Engels vertaling

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Vidim da neko mene gleda.
I dok tu stojim,
ja vidim on me vreba.
Snima lice i tijelo, i hod.
Al' on ne zna moj urođen kod.
Ja samo trebam nekog da se zezam.
Ako si isti, nama biće mega.
Mama, ja noćas nisam sama,
Jer napokon sam dala sebi priliku.
Mama, život nije drama.
I kao Gardner Ava
Ja imam taktiku.


I see someone looking at me
and while I'm standing here
I see he's waiting for an opportunity
He's checking my face, body and walk
but the doesn't know my congenital code
I just need someone to have a good time with
if you're the same, we'll have a mega time
Momma, I'm not alone tonight
because I've finally given myself the opportunity
Momma, life isn't a drama
and like Ava Gardner
I have a tactic
Nina Badrić: Top 3
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