• Rigo Tovar

    El pájaro chogüí

    Tradução para Inglês

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The Chogüí Bird

Legend has it that in a tree
There was a little Guarani1 boy perched on it,
Who when startled by his mother's scream
Lost his balance and fell to his death.
And in motherly arms,
By some strange spell, he was turned into a chogüí2
Chogüí, chogüí, chogüí, chogüí,
He sang, looking in the distance
Crying and flying he [flew] far away
Chogüí, chogüí, chogüí, chogüí,
He goes about so beautifully, he's so beautiful
Lost in the Guarani sky.
And since that day, the little indian boy is remembered
When an echo from a chogüí is heard
That cheerful and boisterous song
From the graceful Naranjero3 who rang it in his singing.
Jumping and pecking the oranges
Which is his favorite fruit, endlessly repeating it4
Chogüí, chogüí, chogüí, chogüí,
He sang, looking in the distance
Crying and flying he [flew] far away
Chogüí, chogüí, chogüí, chogüí,
He goes about so beautifully, he's so beautiful
Lost in the Guarani sky.
  • 1. Or "Guarany", is an indigenous person from Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Bolivia. [Source].
  • 2. Chogüí is Spanish (one of several words for it) for the name of a species of bird called the Sayaca Tanager. [Source].
  • 3. It's another species of bird called the Blue-and-yellow Tanager. [Source].
  • 4. He's endlessly pecking and jumping on the oranges.
Letras originais

El pájaro chogüí

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