• Korol i Shut

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Dead Man's Boots

A drunken woodcutter trudged through the woods
His hair suddenly stood on end.
He saw a dead man in the unmown grass
In new boots, almost never worn.
"Eh, I'll take them for myself.
How will they be on me? "
And he came home happy:
"Hurry up, sister, open the door for me!
Look at what's on my feet,
Look at what boots I am in!"
The brother is happy, the sister is worried.
Night comes - she keeps praying:
"I can't sleep, my head hurts!
Your renewal will bring big grief,
In vain brother took off boots
From a dead cold leg! "
And a voice sounded outside the window:
"Man, open the door for me with good!
I came back to get
What you dared to steal this morning!"
And a voice sounded outside the window:
"Man, open the door for me with good!
But the man grabbed the ax
And nimbly ran out into the yard.
The woodcutter have ran all around
He met no one and suddenly -
Suddenly he saw on the floor in house
A murdered sister in a boots ...
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