• Era (France)

    Ameno → översättning till engelska→ engelska

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Take me to the inside, absorb, take me
Disclose, disclose, hiding, hiding oneself, take me
Disclose, unperceived signs, disclose
Tell me, tell me, war like, spirit martyr, disclose
Emulate unperceived signs, disclose
Emulate unperceived signs
Disclose, disclose the silence, disclose take me, disclose take me
Disclose soldier, take me away, disclose take me, disclose take me, take me soldier
Disclose, emulate unperceived signs, disclose
Tell me, tell me, war like, spirit martyr, disclose
Emulate unperceived signs, disclose
Emulate unperceived signs
Disclose, disclose the silence, disclose take me, disclose take me
Disclose soldier, take me away, disclose take me, disclose take me, take me soldier
Take me, take me...
Disclose take
Disclose take me
Disclose take me
Disclose soldier, take me away, disclose take me, disclose take me
Disclose, disclose, disclose, disclose take me
Disclose take me
Disclose soldier
Disclose take me
Disclose take me...


Låttexter (pseudolatin)

evfokasevfokas    Ons, 20/06/2012 - 07:56

How can anyone translate words without meaning? If you want I can give you my own version of the translation like:
Give me love, unconditional give me,
Amen, amen, adore, we adore, give me

Why can't you accept a song as it is, beautiful without any meaning?

   Tor, 21/06/2012 - 06:26

Greetings, Evfokas. I'm sorry that you're upset, but I was only responding to a request for an English translation of this song. As you may have seen, the translation is not a work of mine and I would be happy to forward your concern to Mr. Ravankar if you like. I certainly agree that the enigmatic, latin-esque language is far more eloquent and colloquial than the English, or as you well-put-it: beautiful.



bs6bs6    Lör, 06/09/2014 - 07:50

Ameno means Amen

annabellannaannabellanna    Ons, 02/09/2015 - 08:35

Ameno means amusing in italian language. In latin it doesn't exists, as the most of the words in this song. And the "translation" is fully fantastic , as the text.

   Lör, 17/02/2018 - 06:59

Then please be patient, someone will translate it, if it is not translated for a long time, then you can request it in the forums.

covid-19covid-19    Tis, 17/11/2020 - 17:39

Please play this at my funeral