• Rashed Almajid

    يا غالي الناس → översättning till engelska→ engelska

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يا غالي الناس

يا غالي الناس، وين الناس يا غالي!
وين الوله، وين ذاك الحب، وين الناس!
يالحب الأول وش اللي غيرك تالي؟
من هز فيك المشاعر وأصدق الإحساس؟
يا فَيّ عمري، ويا شمسي ويا ظلالي
العين لك منزل والقلب لك مجلاس
وش فيك لا غبت ما تنشد عن أحوالي!
أنا أشهد إنك على الفرقة قوي الباس
وينك! شغلت المشاعر وانشغل بالي
قل لي لعل وعسى يا صاحبي لا باس
صارح حبيبك بحالك يا بعد حالي
من كاس صافي المحبة ما صفالي كاس
يا علّ ليلة غيابك ما لها والي
تقدَّر الوضع من فعلك علي وانحاس
يا نجمي السامري في المرقب العالي
ما ردت دروبك الصدفة على الأنفاس
لا دالهٍ في غيابك لا ولا سالي
ما طاب في غيبتك سجة ولا هوجاس
يالحاضر الغايب، الأول ويا التالي
غابت نجوم السما بين الرجاء والياس

My Most Precious One

My most precious one, where are you? 1
Where is you loneliness, where is your love, where are you?
You, my dear first love, what have changed you now? 2
Who shaked your true love feelings?
You the shade of my life 3, my sunlight
My eyes is your home 4, and my heart is your throne
Why don't you check on me when I go absent for so long?
You have really a strong heart that can make you be this cold!
Where have you been love? I've been busy minded with you and so frustrated
Tell me baby, is everything ok? I hope ..
Tell me the truth baby, what's wrong?
I have never drunk a worry free love from the worry free love pot 5
I wish you not to be this far away one more day
This whole thing makes me frustrated
You, my far bright star in this wide sky 6
I didn't even have the chance to meet you coincidentally and feel alive again
Whilst your absence 7 I don't have any peace of mind
I stay busy minded thinking of you, not able to do anything else
You, the one who is present in my heart, but out of my sight .. The first and only
The sky stars started to fade away 8, and I'm swinging between hope and despair
  • 1. What is this absence!
  • 2. What have turned you on me now?
  • 3. Where I rest when I'm tired, the shade that protects the one from sun heat (metaphor for life troubles)
  • 4. You live in my eyes
  • 5. Metaphor for never experiencing a love with no troubles or sorrow or suffer.
  • 6. He literally means the star which he stays up all night talking to, and can also mean that he is writing this poem at night.
  • 7. Not as if she is on a trip, but as she is cold and not making any kind of communication.
  • 8. He means the sun started to rise, he stayed up all night thinking of her and writing this poem