• Hiromi Iwasaki

    シンデレラ・ハネムーン → English translation→ English

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いつでも二人は シンデレラ・ハネムーン
時計に追われる シンデレラ・ハネムーン
肩でもいいわ しっかり抱いてよ
日ぐれにはじまる シンデレラ・ハネムーン
夜ふけに別れる シンデレラ・ハネムーン
せつなさなんか 教えてくれるの
いつまでつづくの シンデレラ・ハネムーン
あなたと私は シンデレラ・ハネムーン
しあわせだから いいじゃないかなの

Cinderella Honeymoon

The two of us always on our Cinderella honeymoon
We're racing against time on our Cinderella honeymoon
With just one of your favorite cigarette left,
...you look at me with your helpless eyes
Hold me tight, even if it's just on my shoulder
When the time's up, as my lipstick color fades,
...you will eventually leave with just one word: "goodnight"
As the sun set, our Cinderella honeymoon begins
And it will be over way past midnight
But now it's almost morning,
Yet our freezing lips still refuse to let go
Somehow you look sad, I wish you'd tell me why
You go to the store that just about to pull down their shutter...
...and buy me flowers, trying to act cheerful
I wonder how long it will last,
...you and me, on our Cinderella honeymoon
My hair blows in the night wind
I remember the words you usually say:
"As long as we're happy, it's enough, isn't it?"
Now I'm all alone, clipping my nails...
...and leaving out a long sigh
Now I'm all alone, clipping my nails...
...and leaving out a long sigh
Collections with "シンデレラ・ハネムーン"
   Thu, 24/11/2022 - 06:08

Released on July 25,1978, this song reached #13 in Oricon chart with 146,000 sales.  This song also won an award.


Hiromi also sang this song in Kohaku Uta Gassen 1978:


Her other live performances:

^ in "Yoru no Hit Studio"

^ in "Yoru no Hit Studio" again

^ and once again in "Yoru no Hit Studio"


^ in "The Best Ten"


^ in "Star Tanjou!" as guest (?)


^ in "Japan Record Awards" (?)

^ in  "Japan Song Awards"

^ in another award show




Iwasaki Hiromi sang this song in 2022:


   Thu, 24/11/2022 - 06:14

Iwasaki Hiromi, Cinderella Honeymoon and.....Croket


Croket (real name: Takigawa Hiroshi, born: March 13, 1960) is a comedian specialized in impersonation. He has done impersonation since 1985 and he is said to have impersonated about 500 celebrities. He can mimic many different singers, but one of his main "target" is always Iwasaki Hiromi with her "Cinderella Honeymoon" song.


^ (2:45) Croket impersonating Iwasaki Hiromi. He also impersonated Nakamori Akina (2:15) and Agnes Chan (3:13)


^ (5:20) Croket had fun impersonating Hiromi until the real Hiromi came out. In 2:38, he also impersonated Sakurada Junko singing Kimagure Venus (compared it to the real version, look at Junko face expression when she sang that song)


^ Croket and Hiromi hosted the show together. They sang this song at 6:32.


^ started his medley with Iwasaki Hiromi (0:04), then Sakurada Junko (0:23), Kudo Shizuka (0:44) and continued with other singers....and when Hiromi thought she was safe, (4:27) he went back to her again. Look at Hiromi's face. lol



^ the other woman is Iwasaki Yoshimi; Hiromi's sister, also a singer.


Croket impersonating Hiromi again in his 35th anniversary concert


^ only for the real Hiromi to give him a surprise visit and brought him flower to congratulate his 35th anniversary


^ (4:32), even in 2022, he still impersonated Hiromi singing this song



^ even instructed others how to impersonate Iwasaki Hiromi, May 2023



At one point Iwasaki Hiromi almost retired this song. When she sang this song in a serious concert, once the intro was playing, she heard laughter from the audience even though that was not comedy, so she said "I'll just give this song to Croket". But years later, she doesn't mind it anymore and even thanked Croket for promoting her song to younger generation. They even sing this song together sometimes.