• Yemen Blues

    جائت محبتي → English translation

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جائت محبتي

جاءت محبتي هذا تمام مع الغنى
والكلام هالحليا مش لي
اذ قيميني في الرقصة شليني خارج الباب
جبال الذهب في ظلام من بحر الملح
لا منطقوني في ظنات العالم

My Love Is Coming

My love is coming perfectly with the melody
But the sweet words are not for me
Take me with your dance, pull me beyond the doors
To the mountain of gold and sadness in the Dead Sea
For you to be center of my world.
galioshgaliosh    Sun, 21/08/2016 - 21:03

it's very interesting what the words he sings before the beat start, and what they mean
so i'd humbly ask, if you will to write them down in arabic and translate them as well
thanks in advance

OszeuekOszeuek    Wed, 13/03/2019 - 13:19

I understand the very begining of this words. He sings there two times: ...كل عن طرق الصحراء غير المعلم... كل عن طرق الصحراء غير المعلم, which means something like: Not everything about the paths of the desert has been discovered yet (literally: Everything about the paths of desert is not known yet). After that there is a part I truly don't understand and It's almost totally unclear to me. Then he sings the last part: ...ما فيه... ما فيه أي يوم يوجد السلام والنوم... ألا يجاز... يجاز السلام... يجاز السلام; There is no... There is no day when you can cherish yourself with peace and sleep... Not to be permitted... The peace is not to be permitted... The peace is not to be permitted...; I'm not 100% sure about my translation, because arabic is not my native language. The interesting fact here is that this part is only sung here on this specific video and it's not present in studio version of the song. Another thing is that this type of entry reminds me of classical old-arabic poetry qasa'ed as there is a form of regret over the desert and the preludium is not connected with the main thought of the rest of the song as it seems to be more of a reflection on life.

AndreyahAndreyah    Sun, 09/10/2022 - 13:16

I believe his reference could be related to the Shabbath, the day of rest. And, I believe he could have a belief that is understood according to the reality of the past and to the current times. In other words, it is known to other people that we try to keep a holy day for rest and peace which is done in a certain manner. That being said, it's a "good day" for a potential enemy to disrupt the rest. So, people who are trying to have sleep and rest on this holy day, are and have been targeted by people who know about "the rest" and the rules for keeping it holy. Military tactics. There is no peace as we are always waiting on the enemy to be without rest because history has proven this time best for the enemy to attack. That is my understanding about this. Also, when you live around people in a culture that does not keep the day of rest, or the people around you keep it in vain, it's a metaphysical hell for any person trying to rest according to God's ways..and this disturbs the energy of any mystic. I can't rest, there is no peace because the surrounding energies are always in opposition to my energy. I'm familiar with this way. Yeah, I know of no peace or any rest on God's day of rest. Sleep is not allowed. It's a day of distress for me because I want to keep God's ways in the way I was instructed ..but there is no harmony with "other energies", I mean from others who live around me. True story. We, the mystics, usually will do the best we can to observe this time but it's a weekly affliction day to many. There really are more reasons but these two are more popular to understand what he means. Concerning the desert, I cannot say anything for certain but this seems like a mystical connection about much. I sense a connection about the past and the way of mystery.