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What do these people want

They knocked in the early morning,
they’re on the landing of the stairs;
when the mother comes to open the door
she has on her dressing gown.
What do these people want
who knock in the early morning?
“Isn’t your son here?”
“He’s asleep in his room.
What do you want with my son?”
The son half wakes up.
What do these people want
who knock in the early morning?
The mother knows very little
about all the hopes
of her student son,
who was quite committed.
What do these people want
who knock in the early morning?
For several days he’s said little
and every night he’s been restless.
A trembling came on
as he feared a knock at break of dawn.
What do these people want
who knock in the early morning?
Still not wide awake,
he hears the loud knock
and he throws himself through the window
onto the street at one go.
What do these people want
who knock in the early morning?
Those who knock remain silent,
but one of them, perhaps the one in charge,
leans out through the window.
Behind, the mother screams.
What do these people want
who knock in the early morning?
They knocked early in the morning;
the law comes at a certain hour.
Now the student is dead,
he died from a knock at break of dawn.
What do these people want
who knock in the early morning?
  • 1. The song is about the death of Rafael Guijarro Moreno, a 23 years old student and communist militant. In 1967, after being arrested, he was taken to his house for an interrogation, and one time he jumped (or he was thrown) from the window to the street
Original lyrics

Què volen aquesta gent

Click to see the original lyrics (Catalan)

Maria del Mar Bonet: Top 3