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An unlikely story about a fantasy
Near the equator, in a specific spot
Latitude 500 longitude 36
In the heart of the forest at this interstice
In your verdurous dress just like Eve's
Your beauty was astonishing
Birds were singing us their melodies
And we were living happy in the canopy
Wild jungle, open your arms
You and I don't need very much
Let's take root in the woods
Naive children or renegades
With our legs in the stream
Listening to the song of this funny bird
It invites us to go a bit higher
To share our ideals
A memorable story about a reverie
That we lived together in the Amazon
Back to the sources, a life without artifice
The two of us in the forest, far away from the bad
In the black and luxurious torpor
Of a jungle full of exuberant lianas
The thousand-year-old trees had adopted us
And we were living happy in the canopy
Wild jungle, open your arms
You and I don't need really much
Let's take root in the woods
Naive children or renegades
With their legs in the stream
Listening the song of this funny bird
It invites us to go a bit higher
To share our ideals
Letra original


Letras de canciones (Francés)

POLO & PAN: 3 más populares
   Sáb, 03/06/2017 - 02:04

Très belle la chanson, merci beaucoup de la traduire.