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A Million Springs

It bothers you when I tell you about my love
and you ask me to kindly forget the subject,
to change the lyrics of my songs
and to take your name out of that poem.
It bothers you, but please bear it
I swear I'm close to forgetting you.
There's only a million Springs left
a couple of centuries to adore you
there's only a million Springs left
after that I won't bother you again.
Oh no, I won't sing to you again
if it bothers you, if it bothers you.
You're bothered by a dog that barks
with joy as it announces your arrival
and you tell me that the dog is crazy
that it barks for the wrong person.
I tell you: please bear it a little longer
have patience, don't hit him again1.
Oh no, I won't sing to you again
if it bothers you, if it bothers you.
There's only a million Springs left
a couple of centuries to adore you
there's only a million Springs left
after that I won't bother you again.
Oh no, I won't sing to you again
if it bothers you, if it bothers you
if it bothers you, if it bothers you.
  • 1. lit. 'to hit with a stone'.
Letra original

Millón de primaveras

Letras de canciones (Español)

Vicente Fernández: 3 más populares
   Sáb, 01/04/2017 - 21:30

lol I thought I got them all. Thanks for spotting that one!

mmzmmz    Mié, 26/06/2019 - 20:15

Millon = million

A Million Springs