• Josh Groban

    Si volvieras a mi → traducción al Inglés

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If you would come back to me

¿How to survive?
¿How to calm my thirst?
¿How to go on with out you?
¿How to jump with out a safety net?
With that goodbye so savage and cruel
You have deprived my skin
There is no eternity it has stayed in the end
and my heart has become a desert
Oh, if you would come back to me
The sun would illuminate a thousand springs
If you would come back for me
Every kiss you would give me would be a miracle
But today you leave
and there is no turning back
¿What will be left after you?
more than just these tears
If even the rain in the garden
plays music with out end
that is somber and tragic
Today on my knees I ask god
That for the good of us two
something in your chest will break when it hears
This madman who is dying of love
Oh, if you would come back to me
The sun would illuminate a thousand springs
If you would come back for me
Every kiss you would give me would be a miracle
But today you leave
and there is no turning back
And you unleashed a hurricane
fire and fury of a volcano
That does not go out
How do I forget that I was
A slave of you
I cannot take it any more
Oh if you would come back to
my life, oh if you would come back
If you would come back for me
I would be happy again
But today you leave
and there is no turning back
Letra original

Si volvieras a mi

Letras de canciones (Español)

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Josh Groban: 3 más populares
camelliacamellia    Sáb, 20/10/2012 - 12:02

thanks for your translation but:

Te digo adios: I say goodbye to you