• Dub Incorporation

    Métissage → traduction en anglais

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melting pot (half-blood)

i feel like melting pot for true people
and for all those who have fury, come on let them down
open your shore to differences we like for true people
because tomorrow will be half-blood, we are the first sketch
intolerance,racism, it need well for having a end one day
liquorice colour child,or clear as anise
there're so many flavour to keep optimist enough
but between two cultures as a tightrope walker
we walk on one string and we are ruled
here pariah face, over there tourist face
show me the right way to my home
no it's not a burden
even if sometime i'm afraid
that colour skin
replace the real colour
replace the real value
nevertheless, it goes without saying, as an obvious fact
it's when you mix up the differences that cultures progress
so i took it as my force, got to keep their ignorance
because i know that it's a chance , whatever they think.
i feel like melting pot for true people
and for all those who have fury,come on let them down
open your shore to differences we like for true people
france is half-blood and this is why we like it
we need to react on world come what may
a suffering,a torment my fears are yours
i take high up this fucking flag my country of exiles my ideals
my colours and my afflictions will weigh on your burdens
i mix up the styles , i control the flows , my roots and my ego
my roots are all those who will carry on the traditions
my name is subscribe on a identity card
my heart has two countries so who i am ?
Benin,France,Algeria,oh let me sing
that over there or here i'm still a stranger
fraternity skinned is it an habit?
liberty , equality, too much uncertainty
how heal harms? hatred in us is forged
and then all become racist france has changed
i feel like melting pot for true people
and for all those who have fury , come on let them down
open your shore to differences we like for true people
free to live in leaving down there
scornful look, earth child look inside you
there're not credible,genetic challenge this laws
D.N.A test some researches for faith soon
human race...
world citizens, keep on united
be nationalists fired
because these don't see that world have changed
and that many a time their blood have been mixed
there is just a single race,the one of the humanity
the world is a community villages
if border lines rub off, don't be afraid
our genes entertwine, it's to evoluate!
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