• Haris Džinović

    Muštuluk → traduction en anglais

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Good News

From dawn to sunrise
I live like a king
till the last dime.*
Let everyone know
that I don't regret
that you, my love, are married.
For good news I would pay (in gold)
the first to tell me
that you regret that you are his
and that you made a mistake.
For good news I would pay (in gold)
if I could only find out again
that next to him you have everything
but still you ask about me.
I don't hide
that I am sad
that forever without you, I remain
Forgive me
because of the love
I stole it from you long ago.
For good news I would pay (in gold)
the first to tell me
that you regret that you are his
and that you made a mistake.
For good news I would pay (in gold)
the first to tell me
that you regret that you are his
and that you made a mistake.
For good news I would pay (in gold)
if I could only find out again
that next to him you have everything
but still you ask about me.
Paroles originales


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Haris Džinović: Top 3
Mira4Mira4    Ven, 16/02/2018 - 22:48

Very accurate translation!