• Ólafur Arnalds

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Et me voilà
à flotter sur une mer d'émeraude
Qu'on prolonge ma danse
Qu'on me tienne aussi tranquille que possible.
Et j'essaye de garder le bon équilibre.
Et j'essaye, mais on dirait que ça ne sert à rien.
Et il y a ces mains lourdes
qui me tirent vers le bas, sur ma poitrine
elles s’agrippent, toute ma peau change de couleur.
Tu flottes tranquillement au-dessus de moi
et je me débats, mais on dirait que ça ne sert à rien
Dis bonsoir.
Je sais que la mer m'a engloutie.
On se heurte l'un à l'autre, des couleurs qui me dévorent.
Dis bonsoir, c'est tout.
Je suis déjà à terre
Je pleure
Déjà à terre
Déjà à terre
Et je pleure
Déjà à terre
Et j'essaye
Et j'essaye
Mais je me sens moins que rien1
  • 1. lit. "mais ça donne l'impression d'être gâché" ou peut-être "mis au rebut". En tous cas, pas une très bonne image de soi
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Ólafur Arnalds: Top 3
   Mar, 17/10/2017 - 07:17

Well... It's a curious song which I think you have pretty accurately translated.
I might take issue with the "keep me dancing, keep me as still as can be"
I don't think it's the sea doing this - that would be rather "(which) keeps me dancing"

I would say this was imperative - Not sure how best to say that... Faites-moi danser encore? Faites-moi rester tranquille

   Mar, 17/10/2017 - 09:21

Not sure about the abusive interpretation...certainly could be, but it could also be depression - floating in this emerald sea but reality keeps on pulling her back (and down). Not sure...

I was thinking the first of those (continuez...) but but but - i'd say it was more of a general wish so actually more like the second.
It's like when one says "give me strength" and the meaning is more like "God grant me the strength to deal with this".

   Lun, 16/10/2017 - 19:54

Yep, it's by no means certain - plenty of ambiguity but the feeling is certaily very sombre!

   Lun, 16/10/2017 - 23:04

Or colouring with bruises - just as violent.
I'm just not so sure that these hands are 'his' hands and not some metaphorical hands. These hands (thoughts/feelings) that weigh her down. But it's just a theory - they may well be the hands of an abusive lover.

By the way, that last line is just "but it feels like wasted (time)" but she doesn't conplete the thought. She doesn't change it to "but I feel wasted" or anything like that.

   Lun, 16/10/2017 - 23:28

Yes, definitely good to keep it as ambiguous as possible. I think the fact she's singing in a foreign language makes it a little hard to read her intention but the last line could be be read as being pointed back at herself even though there is no "I" in it. It's certainly a valid interpretation. She was singing about wasted time time but at at the end it's all a waste. Also the call back to the "rien" in your translation of the earlier line is rather pleasing.