• Kino

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The Star we call Sun

Snow is white and ice is grey,
And it covers a crooked land
Like a patched quilt does.
And the City strangled by roads in front.
And clouds over the City are
Stealing divine sunlight
And yellow smoke covers the City
Which is two thousand years old
All lived under the rays of
The Star we call Sun.
And it is rippled by wars over all those years,
Wars without a reason at all,
All wars that are for youngsters
Curing them from early wrinkles
And a blood so red, oh so red,
In an hour it’s turning into just earth,
In two hours it’s covered by flowers and grass,
In three hours it’s alive again
Basked in the rays of
The Star we call Sun.
And we know it’s been always like that,
And the Destiny favours those ones
Who all live by a different laws and
Who are doomed to die still so young
They forgot all words of “yes” and ”no”,
They forgot all sacred titles and names
And they are able to reach for the stars
Never thinking it could be a dream
And to fall burnt by the Star we call Sun.
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