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Testo della canzone: Carinhoso

Meu coração,
Não sei por quê,
Bate feliz quando te vê.
E os meus olhos ficam sorrindo,
E pelas ruas vão te seguindo.
Mas mesmo assim foges de mim.
Ah se tu soubesses
Como sou tão carinhoso,
E como muito, muito que te quero,
E como é sincero o meu amor.
Eu sei que tu não fugirias mais de mim.
Vem, vem, vem, vem,
Vem sentir o calor dos lábios meus
À procura dos teus.
Vem matar essa paixão
Que me devora o coração.
E só assim então serei feliz,
Bem feliz.


Traduzioni di “Carinhoso”
Pixinguinha: 3 più popolari
   Ven, 13/06/2014 - 11:13

Hey, wenn Du bei den Künstlern, die das Lied gecovert haben, die Anmerkungen in Klammern weglässt und jeweils ein Komma zwischen die einzelnen Personen setzt wird der Song auch auf den jeweiligen Seiten verlinkt...

Es wäre vielleicht auch gut, als Künstler nur Pixinguinha zu nehmen und nur in den Anmerkungen zu schreiben, daß der Text von João de Barro ist.

   Ven, 13/06/2014 - 12:05

Hey, ich habe es gerade versucht, aber es funktioniert nicht. Ich bekomme die Nachricht "Artist: found no valid post with that title." :-(

   Ven, 13/06/2014 - 12:17

Mmh, frag doch mal einen Mod, vielleicht Sciera

Don JuanDon Juan
   Ven, 13/06/2014 - 12:22

I'm not a German speaker but I could understand what you've said by using GoogleTranslate.

That doesn't happen because Pixinguinha hasn't been added to the database yet. The system only allows to add artists when adding lyrics and/or translations.

So, Brasileiro can only add these lyrics to Pixinguinha's artist page if and when somebody creates it (in other words, when somebody adds him to the database).

EDIT: I've removed tags such as '(cantora)' from the Featuring Artists field, because these lyrics weren't linked to their pages.

   Ven, 13/06/2014 - 12:35

so, habe ich gemacht. schau mal, ob es richtig ist. Ich habe João de Barro jetzt in featuring artist geschrieben. Hoffe, das ist gut.

Don JuanDon Juan
   Dom, 04/02/2018 - 20:46

The video here wasn't of Pixinguinha or João de Barro performing the song, so I removed it.

   Dom, 04/02/2018 - 21:18

I think if there is no video available of the author of a song it's better to have a cover version than having no video at all. I couldn't find a video of Pixinguinha singing, so I put up a new video of Orlando Silva singing and added him as featuring artist.
Apparently Pixinguinha is the composer, Joao de Barro the writer of the lyrics, they wrote the song in 1916 or 1917 and Orlando Silva recorded it in 1959 with great success.