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70 Millionen, ein Schlag

Es dröhnt ein Klang von Ost nach West
Wer hören kann der hört;
Der Klang der niemand ruhen läßt
Der Deutschland Treue schwört;
Siebzig Millionen, ein Schlag.
Das soll bestreiten wer mag.
Im Gleichklang der Herzen
Liegt der Wille und die Kraft.
Das Volk ist unsterblich
Das die Einigkeit sich schafft.
Deutschland für dich kam der Tag,
Deutschland für dich kam der Tag.
Siebzig Millionen, ein Schlag.

Seventy Million, a Blow

A sound is heard in the East and the West
And they that listen can it hear;
The sound that knows no peace and rest
'Tis Germany that swears an oath;
Seventy million, a Blow
It denies those that love it.
In the unison of the heartbeats
Lies our will and strength
Those peoples are immortal
That are bounded in their unity.
Germany, for thee the Day arrives
Germany, for thee the Day arrives
Seventy million, a blow!
The author of translation requested proofreading.
It means that he/she will be happy to receive corrections, suggestions etc about the translation.
If you are proficient in both languages of the language pair, you are welcome to leave your comments.
   Wed, 13/11/2019 - 05:22

"Nationalsozialismus" was a radically anti-Semitic, racist, nationalist (chauvinist), folkish, social Darwinist, anti-communist, anti-liberal and anti-democratic ideology.
The "National Socialist German Workers Party" (NSDAP), founded in 1920, came to power under Adolfo Shitler on January 30, 1933 in Germany, transforming the Weimar Republic by means of terrorism, lawbreaking, and streamlining the media into the Nazi- dictatorship. This triggered the Second World War in 1939 initialised with the attack on Poland, during which the Nazis and their collaborators committed numerous war crimes and mass killings, including the Holocaust of some six million European Jews.
The Hitler fascists are responsible for up to 80 million people dead.