• Bertrand Russell

    On Smoking

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On Smoking lyrics

        Of the sort of conventional self indulgencies or vices like drinking, tobacco, which is your favorite one?
Oh tobacco, I smoke a pipe all day long, except when I’m eating or sleeping.
        Hasn’t that shortened your life?
Well, they used to say it would when I first took to it, but I took to it some seventy years ago, so it doesn’t seem to have had a very great effect so far.
In fact, you know, on one occasion it saved my life.
I was in an airplane, and the man was getting a seat for me, and I said, 'Get me a seat in the smoking part, because if I can’t smoke I should die'.
And sure enough, there was an accident, a bad accident, and all the people in the non-smoking part were drowned.
All the people in the smoking part jumped into the Norwegian fjord where we landed and we were saved, so that I owe my life to smoking.


Bertrand Russell: Top 3