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بتحكي في ايه؟

بِتَحْكِى فِى إِيهْ وِ جَالِى قَلْبِ تُلْوَمْ عَلِيه
كَانْ يَعْمِلْ إِيهْ فَى حَدِّ سَابُه مَسَأَلْشِ فِيه
مَاجِتْشِ لِيه وَلَّا مَقْدَرْتِشْ تَضَحَّى
إِسْكُوتْ أَحْسَنْ
بَلَاشْ نِصحِى جَرْحَةِ كُنْتِ قْفَلْتَ عَلِيهْ
إِنْسَانِى و رُوحْ لَحَالَكْ وَ قَابِلْنِى لُو قَلْبِى يُومْ نَدَالَكْ
حَاجَات كِتِيرْ جُوَايَّا مِنَّكْ عَلَّمِتْ وْ مُشْ هَنْسَهَالَكْ
انسانى و روح لحالك و قابلنى لو قلبى يوم ندالك
حاجات كتير جوايا منك علمت و مش هنسهالك
مفَكَّرِ فِيَّا قَلْبِى سَهْلِ أَضَحِّى بِيهْ هَتْسِيبُه عَادِى
وَ لمَّا تَحْتَاجْلُه تْلَاقِيه
وَ هْقُولَّكْ إِيهْ قَلْبِى صَعَبِ بْجَدِّ يِنْسَى
شَاف كِتِيرْ مِنَّكْ
وْ لَسَّه جَاىِّ تِكْدِبْ تَانِى عَلِيهْ
انسانى و روح لحالك و قابلنى لو قلبى يوم ندالك
حاجات كتير جوايا منك علمت و مش هنسهالك
انسانى و روح لحالك و قابلنى لو قلبى يوم ندالك
حاجات كتير جوايا منك علمت و مش هنسهالك

what are you coming to talk about

what are you talking about! and you even have the courage to talk after what you did
what would my heart do to someone didn't take care of it or even ask about it
why you didn't come back , you weren't able to sacrifice
its better to be silent and not talk
don't wake up wounds I was trying to close and forget
forget me and go on your own way and I bet you my heart will never call you again
many things you did to me caused me pain and left a wound and I will never forget this
forget me and go on your own way and I bet you my heart will never call you again
many things you did to me caused me pain and left a wound and I will never forget this
you thought my heart is easy and weak to sacrifice for you and its okay to leave it like this and when you need it you will come back and find it still waiting you
but my heart is strong now and saw a lot of your pain and hurting
and you still coming back to lie again
forget me and go on your own way and I bet you my heart will never call you again
many things you did to me caused me pain and left a wound and I will never forget this
forget me and go on your own way and I bet you my heart will never call you again
many things you did to me caused me pain and left a wound and I will never forget this
AN60SHAN60SH    Sun, 27/01/2013 - 17:31

Thank you. Your translation will help me to more precisely understand the song.

   Sun, 27/01/2013 - 17:33

you are welcome and feel free to notify me of any request you post to translate from arabic to english , enjoy :D