• Eida Al Menhali

    القوس قوسك → English translation

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القوس قوسك

القوس قوسك والسهام سهامك
مالي على رمشٍ تسله قوه
أنا أسيرك واقف قدامك
واللي تبا تسويه فيه سوه
وثقت في قلبك وطيب أنسامك
ما اظن تظلم وانت فيك مروة
قلبي رهيف ولا يروم هيامك
توه تعلم كيف يعشق توه
قلبٍ قبضته لا ترص احكامك
خفف على قلبٍ حكمت بجوه
يفداك لكنه يشيل أحلامك
ملكك ولا لي منه غير مخوة
بك زين من راسك يا لين ابهامك
والليل ياخذ من صباحك ضوه
ما يحجب الويه الصبوح لثامك
طلتك دايم يالحلا محلوة

You Got the Arch

You got the arch, you got the arrows
I'm not strong enough to defeat your eyelashes 1
I'm your prisoner, standing in front of you
Do what ever you want to me
I have trust in your heart and your actions
I don't think you'll treat me unfairly, you have a good heart
I have a tender heart that can bear your love
My heart just started learning how to love
As my heart is in your hand, don't hold it tightly
Take it with ease, you already control it
I'd sacrificed it for you, But it holds your dreams
It's totally yours (my heart), to me he is just my best friend
You are a piece of art from head to toe
Your lightened face lightens the night
Your veil can't really block your lightened face
You always look prettier, pretty lady
  • 1. The eyelid is the arch, eyelashes are the arrows. A metaphor explains what one sight can do to a man's heart