• Princess Princess

    ジュリアン → English translation

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ジユリアン あなたの笑顔は 日ごとにそっと
にじんでゆくのに あいたさは ただつのるばかりで
あなたのことだけで 心があふれてしまいそう
何もできないままで 時間だけが過ぎてゆく
あの夜に あなたとめぐり逢えたこと
あいたくてあいたくて あいたくて今夜も
恋しくて恋しくて 恋しくて痛いほど
はりさけてゆく心 知らずに
あなたは 今どこで眠るの
ジュリアン あなたのしぐさを 鏡でまねして
元気でいますか 話しかけて 涙がおちた
ジユリアン もしも夢の中 許されるなら
暖かい胸に 包まれて好きと言えるのに
こんなせつない恋を 私は忘れないでしょう
くだけそうな心を まっすぐに大切に
恋すると苦しくて あきらめようとするけれど
つぼみのままこの想い つむなんてできない
またいつかあいたいね でも
もう二度とあえないね さよなら言わなきゃ
さようなら優しさを 想い出を涙を
忘れてたときめきを せつなさをありがとう
言葉では 何ひとつ言えなかった
あなたに このうたを贈るわ


Julian, with each passing day, your smile is slowly...
...fading out yet the emptiness I feel only grows stronger
Julian, at least let me see you in my dream
My heart is full of nothing but you
I can't focus on doing anything as the time keep passing
To be able to meet you that night,
I'm just happy with that, but...
...tonight I miss you again. I really miss you.
I miss you... I miss you... I miss you so much it's hurt
Without knowing how broken my heart is,
...where are you sleeping right now?
I'm mimicking your gestures in the mirror
How are you doing? I pretend to talk to you, my tears start falling
Julian, if it's possible, in my dream I wish I could...
...lie in your warm embrace and tell you how I love you
This is a sad love but I didn't seem to be able to forget it
It's heartbreaking, I tried to set my head straight and cherished it
I tried to only think about you but...
...loving you hurts. There are times I want to give up
As things stand, there's no future to it. I'm at my limit
I wish I could see you someday, but...
...we will never meet again, so I need to say goodbye
Goodbye to all the sweet moments, the memories and the tears
Thank you for the forgotten excitement, and the sadness too
I'm not good at saying it in words so...
...let me present you this song
   Mon, 27/02/2023 - 07:46

Released in November 21, 1990, this song reached #1 in Oricon chart and sold 588,000 copies. It stayed in the chart for 24 weeks and at the end of the year it was ranked #13 in Oricon yearly chart (13th highest selling song of the year). The lyrics was written by Nakayama Kanako, the guitarist of Princess Princess. The name Julian was inspired by the name of her cat  that slipped out of the cage and ran away when she was about to bring him to the vet. But the song itself is not about cat, but it's her personal experience with her unrequited love. She felt released after writing this song.


^ that's Nakayama Kanako, their guitarist, in (02:08) and (04:08)


Their live performances:

^ this seems to be from "Music Station" tv program. There's even Kudo Shizuka at the beginning of the video.

^ this seems to be a few years later in mid 1990s

   Sat, 04/03/2023 - 03:51


^ (0:26 - 2:06) Kikuchi Momoko and Yamada Kuniko singing this song in 1991