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You will not Beat Me

From my window I see
A street like a rising river
And people to their daily-
work going
And young children
With the schoolbag on their back
And in their hands some
Blooming Myrtle branches
Suddenly it comes and becomes clear
And to myself I say
No, No, You will not beat me
You will not beat me so fast
From my window I see
A plane departing, a plane flies
And hiding in the clouds
far away
I hear a machine
In the right tune
That's rolling in the courtyards
And in the markets
Suddenly it comes and becomes clear
And to myself I say
No, no, you will not beat me
You will not beat me so fast
In my window spring and autumn
And a rainy day and a scorching day
And light and dark and single
And a choir
It blends, it mixes
Songs of sorrow, songs of praise
And sometimes it's one big mess
Suddenly it comes and becomes clear
And to myself I say
No, no, you will not beat me
You will not beat me so fast
Original lyrics

לא תנצחו אותי

Click to see the original lyrics (Hebrew)

huevosybaconhuevosybacon    Fri, 15/12/2023 - 14:26

The meaning of נהר גואה is a river that rises, ילקוט is a schoolbag kids use and not a briefcase

   Sat, 16/12/2023 - 23:56

Revised accordingly. Thanks!