• Lenine

    Paciência → English translation

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Even as the world demands
a dash of tranquility
Even as the body claims
a tinge of soul
Life flows...
Even as time picks up pace
urging for more
I refuse, I let time be
Swing to its waltz all alone.
Unique is Life...
Even as the world awaits
the cure for pain
And while insanity pretends
all is fit to tolerate
I remain patient.
The Earth rotates
We expect from the world...
And the world expects from us...
... a sprinkling of patience.
Is Time what is needed to understand?
Would Time be given to us solely
to lose ourselves in it again?
Who would know?
Unique is Life...
Even as the world demands
a dash of tranquility
Even as the body claims
a tinge of soul
Life flows...
Is Time what is needed to understand?
Would Time be given to us solely
to lose ourselves in it again?
Who would know?
Unique is Life...
Original lyrics


Click to see the original lyrics (Portuguese)

algebraalgebra    Wed, 22/06/2011 - 17:55

Congratulations. This is a beautiful translation. I have just a couple of suggestions, there's another way to rendering these lines, which seem more adequate into the context, I think:

Será que é tempo que lhe falta pra perceber -> Is time what is needed to understand?
Será que temos esse tempo pra perder --> Is it really worth wasting time thinking about it?
E quem quer saber --> But, who cares?
A vida é tão rara --> Life is so rare

Once life is rare, it wouldn't be worth to waste our time with deep reasonings. I think this is what he means in this song. That's why I prefer the literal "rare" over "strange" in the instances it is needed :)

PS: Raro in Spanish can be "strange and odd", but in Portuguese this connotation is weaker and definetely it doesn't mean odd but "rare, unique" and so is it in Spanish, as we can check at Wordreference.com:

Raro (Spanish - Enlgish),
Raro (Spa.Pt.)
Raro (Pt-Eng.).

Aline CineHindiAline CineHindi
   Wed, 13/02/2013 - 17:27
algebra schrieb:

Será que é tempo que lhe falta pra perceber -> Is time what is needed to understand?
Será que temos esse tempo pra perder --> Is it really worth wasting time thinking about it?
E quem quer saber --> But, who cares?
A vida é tão rara --> Life is so rare

Once life is rare, it wouldn't be worth to waste our time with deep reasonings. I think this is what he means in this song. That's why I prefer the literal "rare" over "strange" in the instances it is needed :)

PS: Raro in Spanish can be "strange and odd", but in Portuguese this connotation is weaker and definetely it doesn't mean odd but "rare, unique" and so is it in Spanish, as we can check at Wordreference.com

Hi Algebra!
Thanks a ton! Sorry for answering so late but I did read your very accurate comment above a long while ago and truly appreciated your rectifications. I could not log in for a while but am so glad to be able to finally thank you for your help.

I absolutely agree with the "Why waste time thinking about it" bit. I intentionally wanted to keep "lose" so I came up with a translation that drifted from the original for aesthetics but your analysis is definitely accurate. And after reading you, yes, I would definitely translate the two last verses differently.

Maybe I should have translated:

"Is time what is needed to understand?
Should time even be wasted on pondering then?
Who would finally care,
when Life is already, oh, so rare"...

Or something of the sort.

Lovely connecting with you :)

CaosEscuroCaosEscuro    Sun, 07/11/2021 - 00:06

thank you for translating this song i been listening to this song since a young kid it really hits home:)