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    Hedorah Got Achmed

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Hedorah Got Achmed lyrics

Just when it was thought safe
So they say it came to visit
Morphing in stages at whim
An adversary to all mankind
From pollution's deadly brew
In its wake it brought destruction
And brought silence to Achmed
A festering pile of bone and rags
Silenced hostility in a moment
Walter could still not save him
What of Japan plagued so
A place where urban renewal
Is the milieu of monsters
The restribution well earned
For the fouling of industry
The monsters so malevolent
They are all misunderstood
Empathizing with their calamity
Wreaking havoc indicriminately
Ensuring work in reconstruction
This hate-love affair with some
Maligned, they yet gain adoration
In a world of savage-first men
The reaction to all unknown
To unknowns feared first, last
The clean up costs, horrendous
In the aftermath of combat
Man-made and natural landmarks
Damaged by degrees tumbling
And carcasses left about to rot
So a quandary is left to all
Such titans have bequeathed
Atomic awarenness mutating
And pollution's spectral genesis
That even a child can understand
Hedorah maligns Japan in flicks
And Achmed a terrorist dummy reviled
Haunts and hates America defiled
Global terrors easily regiled
Concluded here, just for kicks

