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A Day (Time) For Us

One day, you know, for us will come
the freedom to love each other here without limits
And the dream denied to us will blossom
The love now hidden will reveal itself
One day, you know, to live
The life that eludes us here
One day, you know, to live
The life that eludes us here
Our love will overcome
The obstacles and the tides of adversity
And there will also be for us in the world
A time in which love will triumph
A time in which love will triumph
Testi originali

Un giorno per noi

Clicca per vedere il testo originale (Italiano)

Raccolte con "Un giorno per noi"
Josh Groban: 3 più popolari
   Ven, 09/06/2017 - 20:55

Original lyrics aren't supposed to be added in translations so I removed them from your translation.