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Text her, you fool

Text her, you fool, tonight you won't sleep
You can call them dreams, but they're memories
Text her, you fool, it's the wine's fault
If a look is enough and you go back to being a child
Text her, you fool, it takes courage
To be Baggio1 in '94
Where are you?
They say you've grown by now
And you're no more
That little girl that kissed Harry Styles on TV
And they're heavy, they kill, these fucking "I love you"s
They dance a Cuban rhythm in the mouth
The blood, the tears, a blasphemous cry
Take courage, then text her, you fool
Text her, you fool, just a few words2
Then run far away, then lose your voice
Text her, you fool, a better ending
For that episode of "Melevisione"
Interrupted by towers gone up in flames
And children asking questions3
Where are you?
They say you've grown by now
And you're no more
That little girl that kissed Harry Styles on TV
And they're heavy, they kill, these fucking "I love you"s
They dance a Cuban rhythm in the mouth
The blood, the tears, a blasphemous cry
Take courage, then text her, you fool
I listen to Bon Iver if I'm feeling down
And I pronounce it wrong, just like you do
And sorry about the anxiety, it consumes me inside
It's because of the dog that runs away with the open gate
You see, I'm not good at keeping
Those who love me but I know how to wait
And with you, I think I'll do it
Where are you?
They say you've grown by now
And you're no more
That little girl that kissed Harry Styles on TV
And they're heavy, they kill, these fucking "I love you"s
They dance a Cuban rhythm in the mouth
The blood, the tears, a blasphemous cry
Take courage, then text her, you fool
Text her, text her
Text her, text her
Text her, text her
Text her, text her
Text her, text her
  • 1. Roberto Baggio is a former Italian football player, during the World Cup final in 1994 he missed a decisive penalty, Brazil won the match
  • 2. Literally "three words on a cross"
  • 3. "Melevisione" was a popular children's television program that aired early in the afternoon between 1999 and 2015. On 11th September 2001 the episode was interrupted for breaking news about the Twin Towers
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