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Love me a lot

Love me a lot, sweet love of mine.
I will always adore you as a lover.
With your kisses and your caresses
I will quiet my sufferings.
When someone loves truly,
the way I love you,
it's impossible, my darling,
to live so separated.
When someone loves truly,
the way I love you,
it's impossible, my darling,
to live so separated... to live so separated.
With your kisses and your caresses
I will quiet my sufferings.
When someone loves truly,
the way I love you,
it's impossible, my darling,
to live so separated.
When someone loves truly,
the way I love you,
it's impossible, my darling,
to live so separated... to live so separated.
When someone loves truly,
the way I love you,
it's impossible, my darling,
to live so separated.
When someone loves truly,
the way I love you...
Letra original

Quiéreme Mucho

Letras de canciones (Español)

Julio Iglesias: 3 más populares
roster 31roster 31
   Dom, 09/06/2013 - 11:41

Another oldy. ¡Qué bonita!
Let me tell you what the original says:
*First stanza, fourth verse-"I will silent/quiet my sufferings".
You can leave it as is, but don't say "about".
*Second stanza, direct from Spanish- "When you (someone) loves truly, like the way I love you, it's impossible, my darling, so separated to live/be".
As I said, this is direct translation for your interpretation. You can express it in your own way.

   Dom, 09/06/2013 - 14:27

Gracias Rosa.
In first stanza, fourth verse I followed your suggestion. It was a more logical idea than simply dropping “about”.
As for the second stanza - I didn’t know that “mi cielo” could mean “my darling”. Everything what I did wrong was a consequence of translating “cielo” as “happiness” (from direct meaning - “heaven”) and fitting the rest of the lyrics to this translation.
Should be OK now.

roster 31roster 31
   Lun, 10/06/2013 - 12:53

It's just fine.
Thank you

Many misunderstandings come from the lack of punctuation in the original.

Valeriu RautValeriu Raut
   Mié, 01/06/2016 - 08:37

Hola Andrzej.
Texto: Ramón Gollury y Agustín Rodríguez.
Música: Gonzalo Roig.

   Vie, 03/06/2016 - 21:16

Thank you muchly, Vale. :)

Yesterday I was on Julio's concert and, surprise, surprise, this was the first song he performed. :D

I took a lot of pictures and now I'm developing the RAWs, because jpgs look disastrously - I was forced to shoot at 6400 ISO, because it was very dark. I will send you and Rosa some of these pictures.