• Gjallarhorn

    I riden så → traduction en anglais

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You ride so

Oh Silibrand rode up to the top of the mound,
(All under the lime tree so green.)
There he got to see his daughter going in the grove.
(You ride so carefully through the grove with her.)
Oh woe is me, woe is me, what do I see.
I see my daughter, she's coming to me.
Oh, Silibrand spreads out his cape so blue,
There she gave birth to twin sons.
To my father I will give my grey steed,
Which he will ride to the church upon.
To my sister I will give my seven gold rings,
That I haven't worn since I was a bride.
To my brother I will give my small gloves,
That he will carry with him wherever he goes.
One child they took to Freya's christening,
The other one they took to the hall of Valhalla.
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I riden så

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Gjallarhorn: Top 3
hunhxchunhxc    Mer, 04/04/2018 - 00:32

One question: what makes "i riden" 2nd person singular?

NuggetPlsNuggetPls    Jeu, 27/12/2018 - 01:51

One thing I noticed is your translation of loftesvala which I realize would be pretty hard to properly translate in english but is in fact a specific part of a specific kind of house (loftsbod) and not a mound. Is this intentional?

AzrealAzreal    Mer, 12/05/2021 - 00:12

So a father watched his daughter give birth to twins one of which died with her and he went to a sacred place to Bury her...geez