• Alizée

    J'en ai marre ! → traduction en anglais→ anglais

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I'm Fed Up !

I have smooth skin
in my bubble bath
I splash
and I laugh!
my red fish
in my bubble bath
I tuck it in
I tell him:
I have no problems
i'm getting lazy
no discomfort
i'm getting lazy
I bathe in the water
That is important
I'm fine at ease
In the ambience
I have smooth skin
in my bubble bath
I dissolve in the shadow of the bombs
everything is delicious
beds, small crime
I make the list of things
that bother me
I'm sick of those who cry
They go only 2 (km) per hour
That they complain and notice
in a fixed idea
I'm sick of those who grumble
Of worthless extremists
Who see life all in black
That put me in a melancholic state
I'm sick of big sister
That moans of everything and that cries
I'm sick of the rain, of the zucchini
that make me vomit under the blanket
I'm sick of these cynics
And in the meadows the Colchiqes
I'm sick of being sick
I have smooth skin
in my bubble bath
There are no seismic shocks
I am resting
and i relax
It's my aquatic state
It’s like a catcher !
Paroles originales

J'en ai marre !

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