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Sahibo Sath Chham Mye Chyani[साहिबो सथ छम मे चॉनी]

साहिबो सथ छम मे चॉनी, वथ म्ये असल्यिच हावतम।
कूत कालाह रोज़ बेज़ान, ज़ाॅन्यि हुंद मस च्यावतम॥
बोज़तम फ़रियाद त ज़ाॅरी, सोज़तम दाद्यन दवा।
रोज़तम हरदम मेहरबान, ज़ाह त्यि पर मत पावतम॥
काॅहिली, कम ह्यमती, वसवास्यि निश्य् थावतम म्ये दूर।
वलवलाह, जोशाह त अरमानाह दिलस मंज़ त्रावतम॥
ज़ांह मत वननावतम अफ़सान न्यंदर पावन्यिक्य।
म्वरद येम्य् सत्य् ज़िंद सपदान, तिथ्य् वचन वननावतम॥
यिम सुखन पैदा करन, खलकन अंदर उलफ़ल त लोल।
दूर येम्य् सत्य् गछ़ि नफ़रत, त्यी वनुन ह्येछ्यिनावतम॥
शबनम्यिक्य् पॉठ्य् आफ़ताबस, कूत काल कर इन्तज़ार।
ग्वडन्यिचे अनवार्यि पोशन सत्य् सुल्य् वुज़नावतम॥
शक्ल्य् छुस इन्सान मगर इन्साॅनियत निश्य् बेखबर।
ह्यावतम मत इम्तिहान, येम्य् शक्ल्य् मत मंदछावतम॥
दूर छुस प्योमुत लुकव निश्य्, छुम तवय महजूर नाव।
त्यिम अगर दूरन म्ये निश्य्, च़ दूर मत त्रावतम॥

God, I have hope

God, I have hope that you will make me travel the right path.
For how long will I be ignorant, teach me to be righteous.
Hear my plea and requests, cast me away from harm.
Keep me under your guidance, never let me roam.
Keep me away from apathy, fatigue, panicking.
Happiness, Valour, Calmness is what I ask to reside in me.
Never make me repeat history1.
The deads might rise by hearing of it, make me speak those words. 2
Those anecdotes which might create, respect and love,
Teach me to speak things that sootges the angered.
Like the dew, how long shall I wait for the sunrise?
Make me wake early with the blossom of the flowers.3
I might be human by the face, but humanity isn't known to me.
Keep me from tests, don't judge me from my face.
I am separated from other people, which is why I am called Mehjoor.
Even if they get away from, don't leave me.
  • 1. lit. Never make me repeat tales that make others sleep
  • 2. Make me speak in a good manner, that soothes other rather than angers others
  • 3. So that I can make good use of time