• Saucy Dog

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坂道を登った先の暗がり 星が綺麗に見えるってさ
地べたに寝転んじゃう辺り あぁ君らしいなって思ったり
時間を忘れて夢中になった 赤信号は点滅してる
肌寒くなり始めた季節に 僕らは初めて手をつないだ
ふたりでひとつの傘をさしたり ブランコに乗り星を眺めたり
押しボタン式の信号機を いつも君が走って押すくだり
仰向けになってみた湖 宙に浮いてるみたいってさ
はしゃいでる君とその横でさ もっとはしゃぐ僕なら
ふわふわと夢心地 君の隣
君の見る景色を全部 僕のものにしてみたかったんだ
当たり前に通ってたあの道 信号機は無くなるみたいです
思い出して切なくなる気持ちも いつかは無くなるみたいです
そういえば寒い雪降る日の 田和山の無人公園でさ
震える体 暗い中 いつものように笑い合う 街灯の下で
僕の目に映り込んだ君が いつもよりちょっと寂しそうな気がした
忘れられないのは 受け入れられないのは
君を思い出にできるほど僕は 強くはないから
僕の見た景色を全部 君にも見せてやりたかったんだ
いつかまた逢う日までと 笑う顔に嘘は見当たらない
じゃあね じゃあね またどっか遠くで


The darkness that comes after you climb the steep road
You said that the stars can be seen clearly
Lying down on the ground
Ah, thinking that it's so like you
I forgot the time and was completely obsessed
The red traffic light is flashing
During the season where it was just starting to get chilly
We held hands for the first time
The story of the two of us
Sheltering under one umbrella together
Gazing at the stars from the swings
The downhill road you'd always run down to press the button of the pelican crossing
The lake in which we faced upwards, saying we were floating in the air
If it was the frolicking you, and beside you, me, frolicking even more
I felt like I could really fly
Light and dreamy, next to you
Every scene you saw
I wanted to try to make every one of them mine
I can't forget you
That road we always walked along
It seems like the traffic light is getting removed
The painful/nostalgic feeling I get when remembering you
It seems like that will also disappear someday
On that note, the day that cold snow fell
In the deserted park in Tawayama
Shivering bodies, in the dark, laughing together as usual, beneath the street lights
The you that was reflected into my eyes
Seemed a little lonelier than usual to me
Even now
Remembering you
Nothing will be solved by regrets
What I can't forget, what I can't accept
Is because I'm not strong enough to turn you into a memory
Every scene I saw
I wanted to show them to you
One sip of warm cocoa
"Until we meet again someday,"
I couldn't find a lie in your laughing face
Bye, bye, let's meet again somewhere far away