• The Retuses

    OMYT → English translation

  • 5 translations
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The Pool

Standing on the cliff,
I look at you and lose myself.
Wonderful life
if you ever dreamt of me
dream of me again.
Our youth was a blue flame.
We soar and burn above the waters.
Getting through life's tough times
is easier if you have scars. 1
Oh, wonderful life,
teach me how to burn brighter.
You'll rip my head from my shoulders...
You'll burn me alive...
Oh, wonderful life.
I want to ask you something.
You'd better teach me how to shut up.
  • 1. Very hard to translate, literally it figuratively means something like: "Spitting through your teeth, you'll be happy that you have a chipped one."
Original lyrics


Click to see the original lyrics (Russian)

The Retuses: Top 3
PinchusPinchus    Sun, 15/12/2019 - 09:06

Hi, Phil
>Our youth was a flame that burnt bluer than most.
Just "Our youth is a blue flame"
Насчет зубов - все лучше переводить буквально. Тут нет никаких идиом. Как в футнотах.
> Ты сорвёшь мою голову с плеч // Ты сожжешь меня заживо здесь
Это просто будущее время. You will...

Phil AmbroPhil Ambro
   Mon, 16/12/2019 - 21:28

Seriously? "Spitting out my own teeth" is not an idiom? Well then, this song is just stupid in English.
As for the "blue flame" thing. That has really no meaning in English, so I tried to make is somehow "poetic". To say our love is a blue flame, has no real meaning, other than it was just an ordinary flame. What does "blue" have to do with it? Does a "blue flame" mean something symbolic in Russian? It doesn't in English. As for the future tense, yeah I knew that. But, it sounds weird in English, so I made it present tense. We have such nuanced verb tenses. Future sounded weird here.

Jacqueline MJacqueline M    Wed, 18/11/2020 - 07:03

Blue flame is hotter than orange yellow flame....

PinchusPinchus    Mon, 16/12/2019 - 21:53

Синим пламенем горит спирт или газ ("А на кухне синим цветком горит газ" - В.Цой). Я не знаю, на что они намекают. Если "над водой" - наверно спирт. Мне кажется, он хочет сказать, что горит холодным пламенем.
> Ты плюёшься своими зубами // И щербатый доволен тобой
Я думаю, это можно понять так: жизнь тебя сильно бьет, но ты не горюешь. Я не знаю, кто такой "ты". До и после он обращается к жизни. Но тогда было бы "И щербатая, довольна собой".
(Кстати, тут ошибка в русском тексте. Правильно: " И щербатый доволен собой")
>Teach me how to better be quiet.
I think, it's "Better teach me to keep silence" (не давай мне ничего говорить, лучше научи меня молчать)
Омут is a deep place in the river, a deep pit under the water. We have a proverb: "В тихом омуте черти водятся"

Phil AmbroPhil Ambro
   Mon, 16/12/2019 - 22:14

I guess the English idiom for "В тихом омуте черти водятся" would be "still waters run deep". Maybe I'll use that in this place.
Thanks for the explanations. But, the song loses more meaning, with every explanation.
I was thinking it was a song full of deep hidden meanings. Now, it seems it's just kind of stupid. LOL.

PinchusPinchus    Mon, 16/12/2019 - 22:23

Даже не знаю, можно ли назвать этот текст глубоким или тупым. Мне кажется, тут есть реминисценция на стихотворение Бориса Пастернака "Сестра моя жизнь", https://rupoem.ru/pasternak/sestra-moya-zhizn.aspx. Но я не уверен.
Мне нравится "Наша молодость - синее пламя // Мы парим и горим над водой"

viguidugliviguidugli    Fri, 11/03/2022 - 09:08

Hello Phil (: Thanks for the amazing translation! Just wanted to mention that, according to the official lyrics video, there are three sentences that are slightly incorrect here on lyricstranslate, which could affect your translation work a bit, perhaps? Here are the right ones, as seen on the video:

1. Мы парим мы горим над водой (so "We soar, we burn above the waters" I suppose?)
2. Ты плюешься своими зубами
3. Ты сорвешь мою голову с плеч

I gotta admit though that I hear ё instead of e in 'сорвешь' so I wonder if it's a typo in the lyrics video --'

Phil AmbroPhil Ambro
   Fri, 11/03/2022 - 14:19

Thanks, but I don't think it affects the translation in a great way. I do appreciate your feedback though. Thank you so much. :)