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واحشنى ايده تلمسنى طريقة نطقه لاسمى
ده روحى و غايبه عن جسمى انا عايشه و السلااااااااااااام
هزاره و هو باله رايق و شكله لما يضايق
واحشنى كلامنا طول الليل على صوته كنت بناام
واحشنى سؤاله عنى انا ببكى مش بغنى
و روحى رايحه منى بتبعتله السلام
انا اللى فى بعده بشقى عشان من قلبى عاشقه
و نفسى فى حضن يبقى و اصحى جنبه و انااااااام
بعيد عنى لكن شيفاه و لحظه بلحظه عايشه معاه
حياتى ابتديت وياه و متكملش الا بيه
وحيده ضعيفه منسيه و حبه احلا ما فيا
هتسوى ايه الحياه ديه لو مش عايشه بيه
واحشنى سؤاله عنى انا ببكى مش بغنى
و روحى رايحه منى بتبعتله السلام
انا اللى فى بعده بشقى عشان من قلبى عاشقه
و نفسى فى حضن يبقى و اصحى جنبه و انااااااام

I miss you

I miss him, how he touches my hand,
How he spells my name
He's my soul but so far away from my body
I'm just living this life carelessly
(I miss) his joking, how he used to be cool,
How he looks when he gets angry
I miss all our conversations during the night
I used to sleep while hearing his voice
I miss how he used to ask about me,
I'm crying now I'm not singing
My soul is leaving me, going to him,
To send him my greetings
I'm the one who suffers in his absence
Because I love him deeply
And I wish he could stay in my embrace,
I would sleep and wake up beside him
He's so far away but I still see him,
I'm living with him moment by moment
My life has started with him
And it'll never end but with him
I'm lonely, weak and forgotten,
His love inside me is what makes me beautiful
What will this life be worth...
If I'll not be living for his sake?
I miss how he used to ask about me,
I'm crying now I'm not singing
My soul is leaving me, going to him,
To send him my greetings
I'm the one who suffers in his absence
Because I love him deeply
And I wish he could stay in my embrace,
I would sleep and wake up beside him