• Edoardo Vianello

    Il capello → traduction en anglais→ anglais

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The hair

She helped me out of my jacket,
she gave me a kiss on the mouth.
I held her, trembling, close to my heart,
when out of the blue she told me: "You cheater!"
Such a big deal out of a blond hair
on my waistcoat
It must have flown,
oh, fate sure is bizarre,
right upon me
I told her: "My love, I swear on my honour
I could never betray you"
But she replied: "I don't believe such things,
because you know how to lie"
Then, she brought the hair to a chemist,
and, having analyzed it,
he issued a certificate
in which he wrote, "I declare what follows:
It is not a human hair,
it is a horse-mane hair from the overcoat,
you can only make such a mistake
if you have in your heart
loving jealousy".
I told her: "My love, I swear on my honour
I could never betray you"
But she replied: "I don't believe such things,
because you know how to lie"
Then, she brought the hair to a chemist,
and, having analyzed it,
he issued a certificate
in which he wrote, "I declare what follows:
It is not a human hair,
it is a horse-mane hair from the overcoat,
you can only make such a mistake
if you have in your heart
loving jealousy".
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Il capello

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