• Eros Ramazzotti

    Ma che bello questo amore → traduction en anglais→ anglais

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How beautiful (this) love is

Sometimes it's a lightning in the middle of the sky
when it's point-blank love
but on wind's mouth
doesn't remian anything else than a moment
and when it doesn't make itself understood
it's all an universe to be discovered
sometimes it's a corner of paradise
when it's shared love
but if it decevies the one who dreams
it can become a little b.i.t.c.h
sometimes it's so vibrant
that nothing else in the world it's more important
but how beautiful is this love that catches you
that thrills you if you have it
[so much] that you won't go home anymore
that you can't do without
this inner load that lights up
only by thinking that
tonight you stay with me
tonight you stay with me
look at me
you have never seen me like this
how beautiful is this love
too beautiful this love I have here
sometimes it secretely operates
when it's love at all costs
and in the icy nights
it can melt in an embrace
sometimes it's so obvious
that it doesn't care to show itself to the world
but how beautiful is this love that exists anyway
for what it gives you
for the impulse it has
it's the fuse inside my heart when I burst
of happiness if
tonight you stay with me
tonight you stay with me
look at me
you have never seen me like this
how beautiful is this love
too beautiful this love I have here
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Ma che bello questo amore

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