• Paradis

    Toi et moi → traduction en anglais

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You and me

Don't you feel it,
something inside,
when our pasts match each other
and we end up all by ourselves.
But me, I melt, I feel like a different person,
when you distance yourself and I can't find the words.
And I know I'm being awkward,
that it shouldn't go that way
and that you would like the subtitled version.
Let me see what remains to be seen,
take me to the revolution.
(I would like to) wisper in your ear, if you're willing to listen
A bit of you and me.
Dunno anymore, dunno
A bit of you and me.
So, what do you think?
I was waiting there, at your front door
until we saw the world and time didn't matter
cuddled up to each other, what's mine will be the other (person)
if our futures merge and follow each other here and there.
And I know I'm being awkward, that it shouldn't go
that way and that you would like the subtitled version.
Let me see what remains to be seen,
take me to the revolution.
(I would like to) wisper in your ear, if you're willing to listen
A bit of you and me.
Dunno anymore, dunno
A bit of you and me.
So, what do you think?
A bit of you and me.
A bit of you and me.
So, what do you think?
A bit of you and me.
A bit of you and me.
A bit of you and me.
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Toi et moi

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