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I'm sick

I no longer dream , I no longer smoke
I no longer even have a story
I'm dirty without you , I'm ugly without you
I'm like an orphan who has no dormitory
I no longer want to live my life
My life ceases when you go away
I no longer have a life & even my bed
Turns into a platform of station
When you go away
I'm sick , completely sick
Like when my mother used to go out by night
& When she left me alone with my despair
I'm sick , perfectly sick
You come , I never know when
You go again , I never know where
& It's been two years soon
That you don't care
Like to a rock , like to a sin
I'm clung to you
I'm tired , I'm worn out
To pretend I'm happy when they are there
I drink every night but all the whiskies
Have the same taste to me
& All the boats carry your flag
I no longer know where I should go , you are everywhere
I'm sick , completely sick
I pour my blood down over your body
& I'm like a dead bird while you sleep
I'm sick , perfectly sick
You've deprived me of all my songs
You've emptied me of all my words
Though I used to have talent before your skin
This love kills me & if it continues
I will die alone with myself
Next to my radio like a stupid kid
Listening to my own voice that will sing
I'm sick , completely sick
Like when my mother used to go out by night
& When she left me alone with my despair
I'm sick , that's it I'm sick
You've deprived me of all my songs
You've emptied me of all my words
& My heart is completely sick
Surrounded with barricades , listen , I'm sick
Paroles originales

Je suis malade

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