• Laura Pausini

    Nadie ha dicho → traduction en anglais→ anglais

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Nobody Said

Why were you waiting
To tell me what already hurts us?
He who doesn't risk anything
Won't go to hell or to the altars
And it was our distance
That, along with our precautions,
With its sharp truth
Separated us, in two directions
Forgive me if a couple of days ago
I didn't know how to answer you
I had a new way out
And wanted to meet you
And nobody said that I'm always missing you
Sometimes it suddenly starts snowing
And some corners of the sky will never see the light
And nobody said that I was indifferent
To the glance that made you absent
And to the egoism of a memory on which I can't give up
Look for a friend
That will be your shelter under the storm
If what I owe you
Is being honest, nothing else matters
Forgive me if a couple of days ago
I didn't know how to answer you
The train that leads to the airport
Will see me get distant from you
And nobody said that I'm always missing you
Sometimes it suddenly starts snowing
And some corners of the sky will never see the light
And nobody said that I was indifferent
To the glance that made you absent
And to the egoism of a memory on which I can't give up
(And nobody said...)
And nobody said...
(And nobody said...)
And nobody said...
And who told you that I were indifferent?
What we had was very important
We will hold on to what was good
And it will be our freedom
Forgive me if I confused you
I also want to be reborn
Paroles originales

Nadie ha dicho

Cliquez pour voir les paroles originales (espagnol)

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Laura Pausini: Top 3
Don JuanDon Juan
   Jeu, 25/01/2018 - 22:14

[@roster 31], [@Poni de Cthulhu] and [@phantasmagoria] - I'm not so sure I translated some lines correctly, specially the 'A la mirada que te vuelve ausente' and 'Tenía una escapatoria nueva' ones. Would you please take some time checking this translation for any inadequacies? Thanks in advance.

Poni de CthulhuPoni de Cthulhu    Jeu, 25/01/2018 - 22:48

Well, in the first phrase, ''A la mirada que te vuelve ausente'' I would change ''eyes'' for ''glance'', since it has its more profound meaning. And perhaps instead of breach, simply 'way out', because breach has a negative sense which I don't think applies in this context. But, I can also be wrong.
The rest is accurate, according to me. :)

roster 31roster 31
   Ven, 26/01/2018 - 23:35

Hi Juan!
I appreciate your call. Sorry I am a little late to answer
I suppose what you want is to check the accuracy of the Spanish interpretation. right? Although, to tell you the truth, I find a couple things in English that I would say in a different way.(Probably I am mistaken).
Anyway, let me tell you:
1."Who doesn't risk anything" I would say, "he who..." (?)
2. "Separated us, into two directions" - I think it is "in" no "into".

There is an error in the thirst stanza:
"Y nadie ha dicho que sea indiferente" / "And nobody said that you were indifferent". It is "I, myself" not "you".

It repeats further down:
"And who told you that you were indifferent?"

My best regards to you.

Don JuanDon Juan
   Sam, 27/01/2018 - 18:33

Hi, Rosa! No problem. Thanks for your help :)

Did I get the verb tense correct in 'sea indiferent'? I now am in doubts if it's a subjunctive (so it should be 'Nobody said that I am' or something like that) or else.

roster 31roster 31
   Sam, 27/01/2018 - 19:04

In Spanish it is in subjunctive, taken as a possibility, not a fact, but what changed the meaning, was the person. You could say "nobody has said that I may be" or rather "could have been", but it isn't ncessary, see that the verse "Y nadie ha dicho que me faltes siempre" is also in subjunctive and yet your interpretation makes sense.