• Faramarz Aslani

    آهوی وحشی → English translation

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آهوی وحشی

الا ای آهوی وحشی کجائی
مـرا با تـُست چندین آشـنائی
دو تنها و دو سرگردان دو بیکس
دد و دامت کمین از پیش و از پس
بـیا تا حـال یکدیگر بدانیم
مـراد هـم بجوییم اَر توانیم
که می‌بینم که این دشت مشوش
چراگاهی ندارد خرم و خـَوش
که خواهد شد بگویید ای رفیقان
رفیق بیکسان یار غریبان
مگر خضر مبارک پی درآید
ز یـُمن همتش کاری گشاید
چوآن سرو روان شد کاروانی
ز شاخ سرو می‌کن سایه بانی
لب سر چشمه‌ای و طرفِ جوئی
نم اشکی و با خود گفت و گوئی
به یاد رفتگان و دوستداران
موافق گرد با ابر بهاران
چو نالان آیدت آب روان پیش
مدد بخشش ز آب دیدۀ خویش
نکرد آن همدم دیرین مدارا
مسلمانان مسلمانان خدا را
مگر خضر مبارک ‌پی تواند
که این تنها به آن تنها رساند

Wild Gazelle

Oh, you wild gazelle, where are you?
You and I are acquainted in several (ways)
(we are) two alone (ones), two wandering (ones), two abandoned (ones)
with beasts1 and traps ahead and behind (us)
Let us realize each other's condition2
(Let us) seek3 each other's wish if we can
(because) I see this disturbed prairie4
why doesn't it ever have joy or happiness?
Who will become - tell (me) oh friends -
the friend of the abandoned, (and) the company of the strangers?
Only if the blessed Khizr5 appears
and thanks to his endeavor, the problems will be solved
When that moving cedar becomes multiple6
Use the branch of the cedar to make some shade
At a fountainhead, and beside a stream,
a drop of tear and a dialogue with one's self
In the memory of the departed and the beloved,
Get in tune with the spring cloud
When the flowing water comes to you groaning,
Help it with the water7in your eyes
That old companion did not show forbearance
Oh Muslims, Muslims, (I swear you) by God
Maybe only the holy Khizr5 can
take this single (one) to that single (one)
  • 1. evil
  • 2. or mood or situation
  • 3. strive for
  • 4. or desert or plain or field
  • 5. a. b. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khidr#Quranic_narrative
  • 6. This one is a particularly difficult, or maybe impossible, to translate. Disregarding the interpretation, the wording can be read in several ways. روان could be read as "flowing" or "growing" or "moving" (all readings are relevant), and کاروان which means a caravan, here refers to the becoming great in number, either of the branches or the cedars. Anyways, the translations show a simple reading of the verse.
  • 7. tears