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Moscow nights

Not a rustle heard in the garden,
All is standing still till sunrise.
If you only knew, how dear are you
Magic Moscow nights.
If you only knew, how dear are you
Magic Moscow nights.
River moving on and not moving on,
All in moon silver light.
You can hear the song and not hear the song
On those quiet Moscow nights.
You can hear the song and not hear the song
On those quiet Moscow nights.
So my dear why, are you squint your eyes,
Why bow your head so low?
It's so hard to say and not realize
Everything that my heart has known.
It's so hard to say and not realize
Everything that my heart has known.
And already dawn getting so near,
So be kind, please, make it right,
Those summer nights don't forget my dear
Magic Moscow nights.
Those summer nights don't forget my dear
Magic Moscow nights!
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